Chiara Badano

Chiara Badano
Blessed Chiara Badano

Chiara Luce Badano
Born October 29, 1971(1971-10-29)
Died October 7, 1990(1990-10-07) (aged 18)
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified September 25, 2010, “Our Lady of Divine Love” in Rome by Pope Benedict XVI
Major shrine Cimitero di Sassello Savona Liguria, Italy Plot: Family Chapel
Feast October 29

Chiara Badano, called Chiara “Luce” (which means "Light"), (Sassello, October 29, 1971 – Sassello, October 7, 1990) was an Italian teenager who has been declared "Blessed" within the Catholic Church. She belonged to the Focolare Movement and died prematurely at eighteen after succumbing to osteosarcoma, an aggressive and painful form of bone cancer.[1] She was beatified on September 25, 2010 in the Sanctuary of “Our Lady of Divine Love” in Rome. Her memorial is 29 October.[2]

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