Chelodina rugosa

Chelodina rugosa
Chelodina rugosa
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Testudines
Suborder: Pleurodira
Family: Chelidae
Subfamily: Chelodininae
Genus: Chelodina
Subgenus: Macrochelodina
Species: C. M. rugosa
Binomial name
Chelodina rugosa
Ogilby, J.B. 1890.[1]

Chelodina rugosa is a species of turtle in the Chelidae family. The species was described in a short paper in the 1890s from material from Cape York, Australia. As it is now considered a composite of several species the distribution includes Australia, Indonesia and Pitcairn. It is a species of Pluerodirian (side neck turtle). more specifically, It has a very long neck. As such, these long neck turtles are often called snake neck turtles. This is a carnivorous turtle that will consume, fish, tadpoles, hatchling turtles, worms, crickets, etc. A fairly high PH is recommended for this species to combat fungal infections.

It is not an aggressive species in a biting defense. Individuals tend to flail to escape rather than bite. This species can be found not only in fresh water but due to the proximity of the south New Guinea coast and close off shore islands, also can be found in brackish water. Chelodina rugosa tends to hide under and between rocks and logs where possible or buries itself in the mud to act as an ambush predator to fish, amphibian, and invertebrate prey - Schnirel, 2008.

Sexual dimorphism is quite evident in this species. Females can be easily recognized by the very short, stubby tail.


  1. ^ Ogilby, J.B. 1890. Description of a new Australian tortoise. Records of the Australian Museum 1:56-59.

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