Changuinola River
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Changuinola — Corregimiento and town … Wikipedia
List of rivers of Panama — This is a list of rivers in Panama.By Drainage BasinThis list is arranged by drainage basin, with respective tributaries indented under each larger stream s name.Atlantic Ocean*Sixaola River **Yorkin River *San San River *Changuinola River… … Wikipedia
Panama — Panamanian /pan euh may nee euhn, mah /, adj., n. Panamic /pa nam ik/, adj. /pan euh mah , maw /, n. 1. a republic in S Central America. 2,693,417; 28,575 sq. mi. (74,010 sq. km). 2. Also called Panama City. a city in and the capital of Panama,… … Universalium
List of viruses — This is a list of biological viruses. See also List of computer viruses This is a list of biological viruses, and types of viruses. Please add to this list as appropriate. Note that some of these terms may be synonyms for the same virus; if there … Wikipedia
Naso (people) — The Central American tribe, Naso, Teribe or Tjër Di are an indigenous people located in northwest Panama, in the province of Bocas del Toro. There are roughly 3,500 people who belong to the Naso tribe. It is one of the few native American… … Wikipedia
Naso people — The Central American tribe, Naso, Teribe or Tjër Di are an indigenous people located in northwest Panama, in the Bocas del Toro Province. There are roughly 3,500 people who belong to the Naso tribe. It is one of the few native American indigenous … Wikipedia
Liste der IATA-Codes/C — Diese Teilliste führt alle IATA Flughafen Codes auf, die mit „C“ beginnen, und enthält Informationen zu den bezeichneten Verkehrsknotenpunkten. IATA Codes A B C D E F G H I … Deutsch Wikipedia
Orbivirus — Virus classification Group: Group III (dsRNA) Order: Unassigned Family: Reoviridae … Wikipedia
Liste Des Codes AITA Des Aéroports/C — Liste des codes AITA des aéroports internationaux. Le code de deux lettres qui suit la ville est la subdivision du pays (région, État…) selon la norme ISO 3166 2. Liste des codes AITA des aéroports : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T … Wikipédia en Français
Liste des codes AITA des aeroports/C — Liste des codes AITA des aéroports/C Liste des codes AITA des aéroports internationaux. Le code de deux lettres qui suit la ville est la subdivision du pays (région, État…) selon la norme ISO 3166 2. Liste des codes AITA des aéroports : A B… … Wikipédia en Français