
Temporal range: Late Ordovician–Devonian
Chaetosalpinx sibiriensis in Paleofavosites cf. collatatus, Bagovitsa A, Ukraine, Muksha subformation, Ludlow, transverse section, the arrows point to C. sibiriensis.
Trace fossil classification e

Chaetosalpinx is an ichnogenus of bioclaustrations (a type of trace fossil). Chaetosalpinx includes straight to sinous cavities that are parallel to the host’s axis of growth. The cavity is circular to oval in cross-section and it lacks a wall lining or floor-like tabulae (Tapanila 2005). They are common in tabulate and rugose corals from Late Ordovician to Devonian of Europe and North America (Tapanila 2005, Mõtus and Vinn 2009). They may have been parasites (Zapalski 2007).

Chaetosalpinx sibiriensis in Paleofavosites cf. collatatus, Bagovitsa A, Ukraine, Muksha subformation, Ludlow, transverse section, the arrow points to C. sibiriensis


  • Mõtus, M.-A. & Vinn, O. 2009. The worm endosymbionts in tabulate corals from the Silurian of Podolia, Ukraine.

Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58: 185-192.

  • Tapanila, L. 2005. Palaeoecology and diversity of endosymbionts in Palaeozoic marine invertebrates: Trace fossil evidence. Lethaia 38: 89–99.
  • Zapalski, M. K. 2007. Parasitism versus commensalism: the case of tabulate endobionts. Palaeontology 50: 1375-1380.

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