Institute of Certified Professional Managers

Institute of Certified Professional Managers

The Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM) is a non-profit organization affiliated with the James Madison University College of Business, that provides education and certification in management, including project management, conflict resolution, communication, and financial management.


Certified Manager

The Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM) created the Certified Manager (CMtm) certification. Through a comprehensive program of management and leadership development and assessment, the CM certification validates essential skills needed to lead and manage effectively in the workplace. Fortune 500 companies that employ CMs benefit from the enhanced credibility, professionalism, and quality of management that CMs bring to the organization.

The CM certification program comprises application, training and assessment. CM applicants meet eligibility requirements for education and experience to receive approval to pursue the CM certification. Training on the comprehensive CM body of knowledge comprises 75–90 hours and can be completed in groups, as classroom training, or individually, as self-directed study. A job task analysis performed every 5 years confirms the skills needed to lead and manage in the global workplace and forms the basis of the CM body of knowledge. Three challenging CM exams assess knowledge and critical thinking skills to verify a level of managerial competency has been achieved. The CM program imparts flexibility that allows applicants to begin the certification process at any time (continuous enrollment) and test at their convenience (on-demand testing). Applicants control the pace of program completion within 15 months.

The CM certification is obtained by meeting eligibility requirements and passing three CM exams. Certificants earn the right to use the “CM” professional credential after their name, i.e. John Smith, CM, which is recognized worldwide as a sign of managerial competency and professionalism. CM certification embodies life long learning to stay current in management. Certificants complete 10 hours of professional development annually to maintain current CM status.


The Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM) was established in 1974 through a grant from the George R. Brown Foundation. The Institute was formed to enhance recognition of management as a profession and to provide direction in the study of management. Two organizations founded ICPM: the International Management Council (IMC) and the National Management Association (NMA)NMA.

The International Management Council (IMC) was founded in 1903 by foremen who were members of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association). Initially, named the Industrial Management Club, its mission was to train line managers for jobs in manufacturing. IMC chapters were formed in over 40 US states and internationally in Taipei, Taiwan and Japan. In 1971, the organization’s name was changed to the International Management Council and its membership expanded to include company presidents, managers and first line supervisors. In 2003, IMC merged with the National Management Association to form one strong, united organization for the development of managers and leaders.

The National Management Association (NMA) was founded in 1925 by Mr. Charles F. Kettering, a pioneer in human resource development. Initially named the National Association of Foreman, today it goes by "NMA . . . THE Leadership Development Organization" to reflect its focus on leadership development. NMA is a national, non-profit leadership development organization headquartered in Dayton, Ohio with a membership of over 22,000. NMA is dedicated to managerial excellence, professional growth, and leadership development.

See also


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