- Fan death
Fan death is a
South Korea nurban legend which states that anelectric fan , if left running overnight in a closed room, can cause the death (bysuffocation ,poison ing, orhypothermia ) of those inside. Fans manufactured and sold in Korea are equipped with a timer switch that turns them off after a set number of minutes, which users are frequently urged to set when going to sleep with a fan on. [cite press release
title = Beware of Summer Hazards!
publisher = Korea Consumer Protection Board (KCPB)
date =2006-07-18
url = http://english.cpb.or.kr/user/bbs/code02_detail.php?av_jbno=2006071800002
accessdate = 2007-09-01]Beliefs
The specifics behind belief in the myth of fan-death often offer several explanations for the precise mechanism by which the fan kills. However, as explained below, these beliefs do not stand up to logical and scientific scrutiny. Examples for possible justifications of belief in fan death are as follows:
* That an electric fan creates a
vortex , which sucks theoxygen from the enclosed and sealed room and creates a partialvacuum inside.Fact|date=September 2007 This explanation violatesconservation of matter , as indoor fans are not powerful enough to change the air pressure by any significant amount.* That an electric fan chops up all the oxygen particles in the air leaving none to breathe. This explanation violates mass conservation and well-known properties of
molecule s andgas es.* The fan uses up the oxygen in the room and creates fatal levels of carbon dioxide.Fact|date=September 2007 There is no actual conversion of oxygen to carbon dioxide happening; unlike a
candle , theelectric motor in a fan does not alter the chemical composition of the air (apart from creating some ozone if the motor uses brushes, andoutgassing from the materials).* That if the fan is put directly in front of the face of the sleeping person, it will suck all the air away, preventing one from breathing. This explanation ignores the fact that most people point a fan towards themselves when using one, which causes air to move past the face but does not change the amount of air present.
*That fans contribute to
hyperthermia , commonly known as heatstroke.cite web
last = Adams
first = Cecil
title ="Will sleeping in a closed room with an electric fan cause death?"
work=The Straight Dope
date =1997-09-12
url = http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a970912.html
publisher = Chicago Reader, Inc.
accessdate = 2007-08-02 ] The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency warns that during excessive heat events, people should not "use a portable electric fan in a closed room without windows or doors open to the outside." [Perrin A., J. Samenow, J. Ferrel, et al. June 2006. [http://www.epa.gov/hiri/about/pdf/EHEguide_final.pdf "Excessive Heat Events Guidebook"] . United States Environmental Protection Agency, publication EPA 430-B-06-005. Retrieved on2007 -09-04 .] The EPA's position is based on the fact that a fan alone will not prevent hyperthermia brought on by hot weather, not that a fan will exacerbate hyperthermia.*That fans contribute to prolonged
asphyxiation due to environmental oxygen displacement or carbon dioxide intoxication. [Watanabe, Toshifumi, and Masahiko Morita. (1998 -08-31 ). [http://www.fsijournal.org/article/PIIS0379073898001121/abstract "Asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency by gaseous substances."] "Forensic Science International", Volume 96, Issue 1, Pages 47-59. Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] Gill, James R., Susan F. Ely, and Zhongxue Hua. (2002). [http://www.erowid.org/references/refs_view.php?A=ShowDocPartFrame&ID=7000&DocPartID=6388 "Environmental Gas Displacement: Three Accidental Deaths in the Workplace."] "The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology", 23(1):26 –30, 2002. Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] In the process of human respiration, inhaled fresh air is exhaled with a lower concentration of oxygen gas (O2), and higher concentration of carbon dioxide gas (CO2), causing a gradual reduction of O2 and buildup of CO2 in a completely unventilated room. [ [http://www.pittsburghgeologicalsociety.org/carbondioxide.pdf "Concentrated Carbon Dioxide in Western Pennsylvania."] The Pittsburgh Geological Society. Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] Other indoor sources of carbon dioxide include burning fossil fuels, such as a gas-fueled water heater, and seepage through foundations in areas of high CO2 soil content. [(2005 -11-25 ). [http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/eh/ChemFS/fs/CarbonDioxide.htm "Chemical Fact Sheets: Carbon Dioxide (CO2)."] Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services. Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas, and because it weighs 1.5 times more than normal air, [(April 1999). [http://www.hss.energy.gov/docs/bull/bull9901.html "Safety & Health Bulletin: Protecting Workers From the Acute Effects of Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems Introduction."] DOE/EH-0196, Issue 99-1, Office of Occupational Safety and Health Policy, U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] it tends to concentrate toward the floor, depending on temperature and air currents. In South Korea, some people sleep on traditional floor mats, called yos, while others prefer western-style beds, and floor vents may be absent whenondol radiantunderfloor heating is employed. [ [http://www.klafir.or.kr/download/2-1-3.pdf "Chapter 3: Housing"] "Everyday Korean Life", Korea Local Authorities Foundation for International Relations (KLAFIR). Retrieved on2007 -09-06 .] According to "The Straight Dope " website run by the "Chicago Reader " newspaper, asphyxiation is an unlikely cause of fan death because "few rooms are totally sealed, and the fan would tend to keep CO2 and other gases well mixed."outh Korean government position
Korea Consumer Protection Board (KCPB), a South Korean government-funded public agency, issued a consumer safety alert in 2006 warning that "asphyxiation from electric fans and air conditioners" was among South Korea's five most common seasonal summer accidents or injuries, according to data they collected. [cite press release
title = Beware of Summer Hazards!
publisher = Korea Consumer Protection Board (KCPB)
date =2006-07-18
url = http://english.cpb.or.kr/user/bbs/code02_detail.php?av_jbno=2006071800002
accessdate = 2007-09-01] Also included among the five hazards were air conditioner explosions, and sanitation issues, including food poisoning and opportunistic pathogens harbored in air conditioners. According to the KCPB::"If bodies are exposed to electric fans or air conditioners for too long, it causes bodies to lose water and [causes] hypothermia. If directly in contact with [air current from] a fan, this could lead to death from [the] increase of carbon dioxide saturation concentration and decrease of oxygen concentration. The risks are higher for the elderly and patients with respiratory problems. From 2003 [to] 2005, a total of 20 cases were reported through the CISS involving asphyxiations caused by leaving electric fans and air conditioners on while sleeping. To prevent asphyxiation, timers should be set, wind direction should be rotated and doors should be left open."
Fan-related hyperthermia research
Research suggests that fan use may be a contributing factor in heat-related deaths such as fatal cases of
hyperthermia .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/ijlink?linkType=FULL&journalCode=jama&resid=284/1/34 "Heat-related illnesses, deaths, and risk factors—Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, 1999, and United States, 1979-1997."] "The Journal of the American Medical Association", 2000;284(1):34-35, via jama.ama-assn.org. Retrieved on2007 -09-03 .] A U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association " advises that "although the use of fans may increase comfort at temperatures less than 90°F (less than 32.2°C), fans are not protective against heatstroke when temperatures reach greater than or equal to 90°F (greater than or equal to 32.2°C) and humidity exceeds 35%," and provides a similar but simpler warning to the public on their website. [ [http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heattips.asp "Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness."] (Website). "Emergency Preparedness & Response," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services,2006 -08-15 . Retrieved on2007 -09-03 .] These temperature and humidity conditions are consistent with a death cited in an earlier article critical of fan death, which suggested that fan use was irrelevant.Texts on industrial hygiene and ventilation will describe conditions when the use of a fan will increase a worker's heat load. Those conditions include very high temperatures found in foundries and similar industries like heat treating metals. Similar problems occur with high heat and high humidity.
A 2007 meta-analysis of studies on heat wave-related deaths explains that "a fan induces air movement that increases evaporation and lowers skin temperature, but in warm environments increased wind speeds of hot air can actually raise the skin temperature and thus produce opposite results by increasing core body temperature." [Bouchama, Abderrezak, Mohammed Dehbi, Gamal Mohamed, Franziska Matthies, Mohamed Shoukri, Bettina Menne. 2007. [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/167.20.ira70009 "Prognostic Factors in Heat Wave–Related Deaths: A Meta-analysis."] "Archives of Internal Medicine" 2007;167:(doi:10.1001/archinte.167.20.ira70009), early release article (
2007 -08-13 ) via ama-assn.org. Retrieved on2007 -09-03 .] The study concludes that definitive recommendations on fan use require further study.An analysis of risk factors contributing to 700 "excess deaths" during a 1995 Chicago, Illinois, heat wave found no evidence that fans either increased or decreased mortality, but noted that "interpretation of the data on the use of fans is complicated by the need to take into account specific environmental factors (for example, whether the fan is used in a room with an open or a closed window) and the health status of individual subjects." [Semenza, J.C., C.H. Rubin, K.H. Falter, et al. 1996. [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/ijlink?linkType=ABST&journalCode=nejm&resid=335/2/84 "Heat-related deaths during the July 1995 heat wave in Chicago"] . New England Journal of Medicine, 1996;335(2):84-90. Retrieved on
2007 -09-03 .] Fear of crime was cited as a factor in people keeping windows and doors locked shut.Media coverage
The phenomenon of fan death is accepted by many Korean medical professionals. In summer, mainstream Korean news sources regularly report on cases of fan death. A typical example is this excerpt from the
July 28 ,1997 , edition of the " [http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/index.asp Korea Herald] ", an English-language newspaper:quote|The heat wave which has encompassed Korea for about a week, has generated various heat-related accidents and deaths. At least 10 people died from the effects of electric fans which can remove oxygen from the air and lower body temperatures...
On Friday in eastern Seoul, a 16-year-old girl died from suffocation after she fell asleep in her room with an electric fan in motion. The death toll from fan-related incidents reached 10 during the past week. Medical experts say that this type of death occurs when one is exposed to electric fan breezes for long hours in a sealed area. "Excessive exposure to such a condition lowers one's temperature and hampers blood circulation. And it eventually leads to the paralysis of heart and lungs," says a medical expert.
"To prevent such an accident, one should keep the windows open and not expose oneself directly to fan air," he advised.
According to "The Straight Dope" website, when informed that the phenomenon is virtually unheard of outside of their country, "some locals claim Koreans are uniquely vulnerable due to a peculiarity either of their own physiology or of Korean fans."
Published professional opinion
Gord Giesbrecht, a professor of thermophysiology at the
University of Manitoba inCanada , [2005 -09-07 . [http://www.smartrisk.ca/ContentDirector.aspx?tp=2968 "Fall 2005 Curriculum (Archive), Learning Series Session (Sept. 21, 2005): Keep Your Head Up: A Primer on Cold Water Immersion and Near-Drowning."] (Website). Smartrisk Navigator. Retrieved on2007 -09-01 .] is a leading expert on hypothermia:Quote|It's hard to imagine death by fan, because to die of hypothermia, one's body temperature would have to get down to 28 [°C] , drop by 10 degrees [Celsius] overnight. We've got people lying in snowbanks overnight here inWinnipeg and they survive. Maybe if someone was elderly and they were sitting there for three days in a sealed room with an electric fan turned on. Someone is not going to die from hypothermia because their body temperature drops two or three degrees overnight; it would have to drop eight to ten degrees." In addition, "the only way to verify whether someone had really died of hypothermia during the night would be to take a core body temperature the following morning. Waiting three days while the body was in the morgue wouldn't work because the corpse's temperature can drop during that time.Dr. John Linton at Yonsei's Severance Hospital, who attended medical school atYonsei University , is licensed to practice medicine in South Korea:Dr. Lee Yoon-song is a professor atSeoul National University 's medical school and works with the school's Institute of Scientific Investigation. He has conducted autopsies on some of the people who have been described in Korean media as having succumbed to fan death:He blames the Korean media for the persistence of the urbanee also
Contemporary culture of South Korea
*Urban legend sReferences
External links
* [http://www.mongdori.com/forums/read.php?2,426 Korean news clip on fan death]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.