Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano
- Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano
Giulio Carlo, Count Fagnano, and Marquis de Toschi (December 6, 1682 - September 26, 1766) was an Italian mathematician. He was probably the first to direct attention to the theory of elliptic integrals. Fagnano was born in Senigallia.
Fagnano is best known for investigations on the length and division of arcs of certain curves, especially the lemniscate; this seems also to have been in his own estimation his most important work, since he had the figure of the lemniscate with the inscription: "Multifariam divisa atque dimensa Deo veritatis gloria", engraved on the title-page of his "Produzioni Matematiche", which he published in two volumes (Pesaro, 1750), and dedicated to Pope Benedict XIV. The same figure and words "Deo veritatis gloria" also appear on his tomb
Failing to rectify the ellipse or hyperbola, Fagnano attempted to determine arcs whose difference should be rectifiable. He also pointed out the remarkable analogy existing between the integrals which represent the arc of a circle and the arc of a lemniscate. Finally he proved the formula
:pi = 2ilog{1 - i over 1 +i}
where "i" stands for sqrt{-1}.
His works were collected and published in two volumes at Pesaro in 1750.
Some mathematicians objected to his methods of analysis founded on the infinitesimal calculus. The most prominent of these were Viviani, De la Hire and Rolle.
He made his higher studies at the Collegio Clementino in Rome and there won great distinction, except with mathematics, to which his adversion was extreme. Only after his college course that he took up its study. Later, without the help of any teacher, he mastered it from its foundations. Most of his important researches were published on the "Giornale de' Letterati d'Italia".
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Giulio Carlo Fagnano dei Toschi — (* 6. Dezember 1682 in Senigallia; † 26. September 1766 ebenda) war ein italienischer Mathematiker, der für seine Arbeiten über elliptische Integrale bekannt ist. Leben und Wirken Fagnano wurde in eine der führenden Familien seiner Heimatstadt,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Guilio Carlo De' Toschi Di — Giulio Carlo de Toschi di Fagnano † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Giulio Carlo de Toschi di Fagnano Mathematician, born at Sinigaglia, Italy, 26 September, 1682; died there 18 May, 1766. He made his higher studies at the Collegio Clementino … Catholic encyclopedia
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