Corporate Inversion

Corporate Inversion

When a corporation moves its headquarters to a low-tax nation or corporate haven while retaining it's material operations in it's higher-tax country of origin, this is termed to be a Corporate Inversion. [ [ Corporate Inversion] ] [Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means (June 25, 2002). [ Statement of the Hon. Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General, Connecticut Attorney General's Office, Hearing on Corporate Inversions] . Retrieved September 5, 2004.]

Corporate inversion is a form of tax avoidance.

Corporate inversions as a tax-reduction maneuver have become a public policy issue, as substantial tax revenues are lost. [ [ Corporate Inversions] ] [ [ Corporate inversion transactions: Tax policy implications] ] [ [ Drawing lines around Corporate Inversion] ]


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