- Agnoetae
Agnoetae ("agnoetai", from "agnoeo", to be ignorant of) was a general name given to those heretical sects which in one form or another denied the divine omniscience either of the incarnate Christ or of
God the Father .*Theophronius of
Cappadocia (370 ), a disciple of Eunomius, denied that God knew the past by memory or the future with certainty; and taught that even for a knowledge of the past he required study and reflection. "Though God foreknows that which is not, and knows that which is, and remembers what has happened, he does not always have that knowledge in the same manner with respect to the future and present, and changes his knowledge of the past." [Sozomen. "Ecclesiastial History", Book VII, Chap. 17.] His ideas were so strange that even the Eunomians excommunicated him. His followers were called Theophronians.*The Arians, who taught that the nature of Christ was inferior to that of his Father, claimed that Jesus was ignorant of many things, according to their interpretation of his own statements about the day of judgment ().
*Certain Monophysites maintained that Jesus was God, but that his human form was like other humans in all respects, including limited knowledge. Their founder was Themistius, a
deacon inAlexandria in the6th century . The sect wasanathema tized byPope Gregory I on the basis of a treatise against them by Eulogius I, the OrthodoxPatriarch of Alexandria . [Monks, George. "The Church of Alexandria and the City's Economic Life in the Sixth Century". "Speculum" April 1953 pp. 349-362.]References
External links
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08675a.htm Knowledge of Christ] Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic, s.v., [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01215b.htm Agnoetae]
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