- Isabelle Sandy
Isabelle Sandy (1884-1975) was a French poet and writer, best known for her
regionalism Frédérique Chevillot, Anna Norris, "Des femmes écrivent la guerre", Editions Complicités, 2007, page 90 [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_k3TyuSiyOIC&pg=PA90&dq=%22isabelle+sandy%22&lr=&sig=ACfU3U0ZufOQJQa_-tmiv_WF-_ysdbDSSw] ] . She was awarded the Prix Montyon by theAcadémie française for "Chantal Daunoy". It has been noted that she was one of the few women writers in the interwar period [David Coward, "History of French Literature: From Chanson De Geste to Cinema", WileyBlackwell, 2003, page 493 [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=PwgKnpxTAMYC&pg=PA493&dq=%22isabelle+sandy%22&lr=&sig=ACfU3U391L_ZlmdVx6Xj_5B2LngiBkUl_A] ] .Bibliography
* "L'Ève douloureuse", 1912
* "Chantal Daunoy", 1917
* "Montségur temple cathare : son histoire, son message"
* "Je n'ai jamais vu Dieu"
* "Madonne aux cheveux blancs"
* "De granit et de pourpre : le Cardinal Saliège"
* "Trencabel, pyrénéen"
* "L'homme qui fabriquait de l'or"
* "L'enchantement"
* "Les grandiose visions d'Anne-Catherine Emmerich"
* "Les soutanes vertes"
* "La soutane sanglante"
* "L'homme et la sauvageonne"
* "Andorra ou Les hommes d’airain", 1923
* "Llivia ou Les cœurs tragiques", 1926
* "Kaali", 1931
* "La maison des femmes seules", 1949
* "Maryla", Collection Stella, n° 49
* "Printemps de feu"
* "La vierge au collier", 1931
* "La tempête sur l'amour", 1948
* "Sang et or ou La paix par les femmes"
* "Un homme à la mer", 1932References
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