- Province building
Province building is a term in
Canadian political science which refers to the efforts ofprovincial government s to become prominent actors in lives of, and foci of loyalty for, people living within those provinces. It is related both tonation-building , process of constructing or structuring anational identity using the power of thestate , andstate-building , enhancing the capacity of state institutions and building state-society relations.The
Canadian constitution , is federal and gives the provinces important powers. These powers have been expanded over time by judicial rulings and successful provincial lobbying. Surveys of public opinion in Canada show thathealthcare andeducation rank as the "most important issues" in the minds of Canadians, and both those spheres are delegated to the provinces.Canadian provinces are also endowed with many symbols and myths that attract loyalty in much they same way as do
nation states . Many of them had long histories as separate British colonies before joining Canada. They have distinct flags and coats of arms, official provincial insitutions such as museums, and separate media markets that cater to provincial affairs. Furthermore, their provincialheads-of-government , the premiers, are often considered the provinces' representatives in national affairs, called "executive federalism". This contrasts with other federations such as the United States and Australia where theupper house of the legislature is considered to be responsible for defending the rights of the states against the federal government.Provincial loyalties also intersect with ethnic and linguistic ones. This is most true of Quebec, where the provincial government views itself as the gurantor of the "national" culture of Quebec.
Quebec nationalists often view the provincial government as the basis on which to build the "État québécois ", the Quebec State. Political movements in other provinces have also tried to use the provincial government as a force to build provincial autonomy and safeguard local identity. For example in the 1930s the province ofAlberta sought to print its own currency and impose regulations on the major banks, which were all based outside of the province. From the 1940s to the 1970s the government ofSaskatchewan attempted to build asocial democratic society in that province, and "nationalized" or "provincialized" many industries including auto and medical insurance, electricity generation, telecommunications, and potash mining.Sources
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/3330565 Federalism and the Strong-State/Weak-State Conundrum: Canadian Economic Policymaking in Comparative Perspective]
* [http://economics.ca/cgi/jab?journal=cpp&view=v06s1/CPPv06s1p213.pdf Province-Building vs. A Rentier Society]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.