Public Force (Congo)

Public Force (Congo)

The "Public Force" or Force Publique (FP) was the official armed force for what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1885, (when the territory was known as the Congo Free State), through the period of direct Belgian rule (1908 to 1960). Immediately following independence, the FP was retitled as the Congo National Army (ANC) [ World Armies, John Keegan, ISBN 0-333-17236-1] .


The FP was initially conceived in 1885 when King Léopold II of Belgium, who held the Congo Free State as his private property, ordered his Secretary of the Interior to create military and police forces for the state. Soon afterwards, in 1886 Leopold dispatched a number of Belgian officers and noncommissioned officers to the territory to create this military force. The FP's officer corps consisted entirely of whites, who comprised a mixture of Belgian regular soldiers, as well as mercenaries from other countries  drawn by the prospect of wealth or simply attracted by the allure and adventure of service in Africa.

Under the Congo Free State

Serving under these European officers were an ethnically-mixed African soldiery. Many were recruited from warrior tribes in the Upper Congo. Others were drawn from Zanzibar and West Africa. The role required of the Force Publique was to defend Free State territory and combat Arab slavers. Under Leopold however a major purpose of the force was to enforce the rubber quotas, and other forms of forced labor. Armed with modern weapons and the chicottea bull whip made of hippopotamus hidesoldiers of the FP often took and mistreated hostages (sometimes women, who were held captive in order to force their husbands to meet rubber quotas). Reports from foreign missionaries and consular officials detail a number of instances where Congolese men and women were flogged or raped by soldiers of the Force Publique, permitted to run amok by their officers and NCOs. They also burned recalcitrant villages, and there is photographic evidence that the FP soldiers took human hands as trophies, reportedly on the orders of Leopold to show that bullets had not been wasted. During the Free State period the Force Publique suffered from institutional problems. During the early years of the force, mutinies of black soldiers occurred several times. By the early 1890s, much of the eastern portion of the Free State was under the control of Arab slave traders (though the Government was able to re-establish control over the east by the mid-1890s). Organizational problems were also quite prevalent during the Free State era. With many Force Publique detachments being stationed in remote areas of the territory, some officers took to using soldiers under their control to further private economic agendas rather than focusing on military concerns. [ [ Zaire: Evolution of the armed forcesThe Colonial Period] ]

Under Belgian Rule

Organisation and role

and sash of the Free State period until replaced by khaki during 191517. Initial enlistment was for a period of seven years.

World War I

During World War I (191418) an expanded Force Publique served against German colonial forces in the Camerouns, Rwanda, Burundi and German East Africa. They generally performed well, winning the respect of their British and Portuguese allies, as well as that of their German opponents. From 1916 on the FP grew to reach a strength of three mobile "Groupes"(brigades), Kivu, Ruzizi, and Tanganyika, comprising a total of 15 battalions, from the static garrison and police force of 1914. It took until late 1915 for the Force Publique to do this.

World War II

During World War II (1939 to 1945), the Force Publique provided detachments to serve with the Allied forces during the East Africa Campaign and in the Middle EastBelgium surrendered to Germany on 28 May 1940With Belgium occupied, the contribution to the Allied cause by the Free Belgian Forces from the Belgian Congo was primarily an economic one.

Final Stages of Belgian Rule

For the remainder of the period of Belgium rule the Force Publique continued its joint military and police role, although a separate Gendarmerie was organised in 1959 drawn from the Territorial Service Troops of the FP. Between 1945 and 1960 Belgium continued to organise the Force Publique as an entity cut off from the people that it policed, with recruits serving in tribally mixed units and no more than a quarter of each company coming from the province in which they served. Tightly disciplined and drilled the Force Publique impressed visitors to the Congo with its smart appearance but a culture of separateness, encouraged by its Belgian officers, led to brutal and unrestrained behaviour when the external restraints of colonial administration were lifted in 1960. The infamous chiquotte was only abolished in 1955. The Belgian Government made no effort to train Congolese commissioned officers until the very end of the Colonial period and there were only about 20 African cadets in training on the eve of Independence.


On 5 July 1960, five days after the country gained independence from Belgium, the Force Publique garrison near Léopoldville mutinied against its white officers (who had remained in complete command) and attacked numerous European and Congolese targets.The immediate incident sparking the mutiny was reported to have been a tactless speech made by the Belgian general commanding the FP to African soldiers in a mess hall at the main base outside Leopoldville, in which he stated that Independence would not bring any change in their status or role. Lieutenant General Ēmile Janssen's intention may only have been to stress the need for continued discipline and obedience to orders but the impact on the soldiers, unsettled by the demands of maintaining order during Independence celebrations and fearful that they would be excluded from the benefits of the new freedom, was disastrous. The outbreak caused well founded fear amongst the approximately 100,000 Belgian and other  civilians and officials still resident in the Congo and ruined the credibility of the new government as it proved unable to control its own armed forces. For example, the white community in Luluabourg was besieged  in improvised fortifications for three days until rescued by an unauthorised paratroop drop. Soon afterwards, the FP was renamed as the Congolese National Army (Armée Nationale CongolaiseANC), and its leadership was Africanised. This violence immediately led to a military intervention into Congo by Belgium in an ostensible effort to secure the safety of its citizens (the earlier Luluabourg intervention had been against orders). The re-entry of these forces was a clear violation of the national sovereignty of the new nation, as it had not requested Belgian assistance (""). The chain of events this started eventually resulted in Joseph Mobutu (Mobutu Sésé Seko), a former Sergeant-Major in the FP who had been promoted to chief of staff of the ANC by Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, gaining power and establishing his dictatorial kleptocracy. His regime was to remain in power until 1997.


ee also

*Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo*Askari


Peter Abbott: "Armies in East Africa 191418". Osprey 2002. ISBN 1-84176-489-2.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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