- O P Jangir
"'Dr. O. P. Jangir is an associate professor at
Dungar College ,Bikaner (Rajasthan ) in Developmental Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology. His research field is Regeneration and Morphogenesis. His name came in limelight when he developed third eye in a frog. His research includes1. Effect of vitamin A on lens regeneration in pigs.
2. The "third eye"-- a new concept of trans-differentiation of pineal gland into median eye in amphibian tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus.
3. Homeotic regeneration of eye in amphibian tadpoles and its enhancement by vitamin A.
4. Lens regeneration in mice under the influence of vitamin A.
5. Effect of vitamin A excess on oral armature in tadpoles of toad, Bufo melanostictus (Schneider) and frog, Rana cyanophlyctis (Schneider).
6. Forelimb regeneration at wrist level in adults of skipper from Rama cyanophlyctis (Schneider) & its improvement by vitamin A treatment.
He is writer of a book also titled .
* [http://ncracs.org/opj.html Profile]
External links
* [http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no21669.htm]
* [http://www.nextbio.com/b/literature/literature.nb?author=OP+Jangir]
* [http://www.biomedexperts.com/Profile.bme/632606/OP_Jangir]
* [http://lib.bioinfo.pl/auth:Jangir,OP]
* [http://www.niscair.res.in/ScienceCommunication/ResearchJournals/rejour/ijeb/ijeb2k5/ijeb_aug05.asp]
* [http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci/dec2001/577.pdf Homeotic regeneration of eye in amphibian tadpoles and its enhancement by vitamin A]
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