Vertex enumeration problem
- Vertex enumeration problem
In mathematics, the vertex enumeration problem for a polyhedron, a polyhedral cell complex, a hyperplane arrangement, or some other object of discrete geometry, is the problem of determination of the object's vertices given some formal representation of the object. A classical example is the problem of enumeration of the vertices of a convex polyhedron specified by a set of linear inequalities: [Eric W. Weisstein "CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematic," 2002,ISBN 1584883472, p. 3154, article "vertex enumeration"] :Ax leq b
where "A" is an "m"×"n" matrix, "x" is an "n"×1 column vector of variables, and "b" is an "m"×1 column vector of constants.
Computational complexity
The computational complexity of the problem is a subject of research in computer science.
A 1992 article by D. Avis and K. Fukuda [ [ David Avis and Komei Fukuda, "A pivoting algorithm for convex hulls and vertex enumeration of arrangements and polyhedra"] , "Discrete and Computational Geometry", Volume 8, Number 1 / December, 1992, 295-313, doi|10.1007/BF02293050] presents the algorithm which finds the "v" vertices of a polyhedron defined by a nondegenerate system of "n" inequalities in "d" dimensions (or, dually, the "v" facets of the convex hull of "n" points in "d" dimensions, where each facet contains exactly "d" given points) in time O("ndv") and O("nd") space. The "v" vertices in a simple arrangement of "n" hyperplanes in "d" dimensions can be found in O("n"2"dv") time and O("nd") space complexity.
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