- Lance Lambert
Lance Lambert (born 1931) is a British Bible scholar and speaker.
Born in
Richmond ,Surrey , Lambert became aChristian at the age of 12 and grew up with an intention of becoming amissionary in China. After graduating high school, he attendedLondon University with a focus on African and Oriental studies to further those goals, but when politics in Asia barred entry to missionaries, he instead joined theRoyal Air Force , serving inEgypt . He went on to found the Halford House Christian Fellowship in England before relocating in Israel in 1980. Now a citizen of Israel, he is an author and produces a religious-political audio series called "Middle East Update."ee also
Christian Zionism in the United Kingdom External links
* [http://www.lancelambert.org website]
* [http://cache.zoominfo.com/CachedPage/?archive_id=0&page_id=795472227&page_url=%2f%2fwww.christianzionism.org%2ffulltext.asp%3fID%3d12&page_last_updated=10%2f15%2f2005+10%3a07%3a48+PM&firstName=Walter&lastName=Riggans Christian Zionism: A British Perspective] by Dr.Stephen R. Sizer
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.