

Infobox Settlement
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = EST
subdivision_type1 = County
timezone = EET
utc_offset = +2
timezone_DST = EEST
utc_offset_DST = +3
map_caption = Location of Paldiski
official_name = Paldiski linn
other_name = Paldiski

image_shield = Paldiski_coatofarms.pngsubdivision_name1 = Harjumaa
leader_name = Kaupo Kallas
area_total_km2 = 60.17
population_total = 4224
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 2004
population_density_km2 = 70.2
coor = 59°21' N 24°03' E
latd=59 |latm=21 |latNS=N |longd=24 |longm=03 |longEW=E

Paldiski is a town and Baltic Sea port situated on the Pakri peninsula of north-western Estonia. Originally a Swedish settlement known as "Rågervik", it became a Russian naval base in the 18th century. The Russians renamed it "Балтийский Порт" ("Baltiyskiy Port", i.e. Baltic Port) in 1762, and the Estonian pronunciation, "Paldiski", became the official name in 1933.

Soviet era

In 1962, Paldiski became a Soviet Navy nuclear submarine training centre. With two land-based nuclear reactors, and employing some 16,000 people, it was the largest such facility in the Soviet Union. Because of its importance, the whole city was closed off with barbed wire until the last Russian warship left in August 1994. Russia finally relinquished control of the nuclear reactor facilities in September 1995.


After Estonia restored its independence, the city had not enough Estonian citizens and Paldiski was subordinated to Keila until 30 October 1996. Located some 45 km west of Tallinn, Paldiski is a municipality within Harju County and has a regular ferry connection with Kapellskär in Sweden (operated by Tallink). Derelict Soviet-style apartment buildings make up much of the town, and the relics of military bases are widespread. For those interested in such things, it is easily accessible from Tallinn, and provides a grim and atmospheric feel, befitting its post-Soviet status.

Facilities today

Today the town has only 4,000 inhabitants and amenities are limited to two supermarkets, a small modern hotel (Hotel Valge Laev, with six guest bedrooms), and a small pub. Although there are no cafes or restaurants in the town, the hotel restaurant and bar are open to non-residents [] .

A great deal of investment has been put into the port facilities with a number of new berths having been created. Transfennica run a number of ships into the port from Hanko (Finland) and Lübeck (Germany).

Paldiski has a terminus station on the Elektriraudtee rail line, providing a convenient link to the capital city. As part of the town's redevelopment this once near-derelict station has been overhauled and painted in bright yellow and white colours.

Paldiski has two schools: [ Paldiski Gümnaasium] and Vene Gümnaasium

There is one church, dedicated to St Nicholas, and part of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Although closed for some years, this church has now reopened, with services held every Sunday lunchtime. [ [ Service and contact details] from the Estonian Lutheran Church's national website.] There is also a Pentecostal church, Methodist Church and Orthodox church.


* The 2002 film "Lilya 4-ever", set in an unnamed "former republic of the Soviet Union", was filmed in Paldiski.


External links

* [ Paldiski Town official website] (in Estonian)
* [,-0.17316&sspn=0.006756,0.019913&ie=UTF8&ll=59.352577,24.064093&spn=0.011069,0.039825&z=15&iwloc=addr&om=1 Google map of Paldiski]
* [ "In Your Pocket" article about Paldiski]
* [ Photo essay of the city]
* [ Pictures from Paldiski] by Hans Fredriksson.

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