Chaves (IPR) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Chaves. Le chaves est un vin portugais avec Indicação de Proveniência Regulamentada (IPR). Sommaire 1 GHéographie 2 Type de vin … Wikipédia en Français
Chaves Municipality, Portugal — Coordinates: 41°44′26″N 7°28′17″W / 41.74056°N 7.47139°W / 41.74056; 7.47139 … Wikipedia
Chaves (Portugal) — Infobox Municipality pt official name = Chaves image coat of arms = CHV.png Region=Norte Subregion=Alto Trás os Montes District = Vila Real Mayor name = João Gonçalves Baptista Mayor party = PSD area total = 591.3 population total = 44,186… … Wikipedia
Chaves wine — Chaves is a Portuguese wine region centered around the town of Chaves in the Trás os Montes e Alto Douro region. The region was initially a separate Indicação de Proveniencia Regulamentada (IPR) region, but in 2006, it became one of three… … Wikipedia
List of Portuguese wine regions — Portuguese wine regions are grouped into 3 classifications. At the top are the Denominação de Origem Controlada (or DOCs) which correspond roughly to the French Appellation d origine contrôlée (AOC), Italian Denominazione di origine controllata… … Wikipedia
Tras-os-Montes VR — Tras os Montes is a Portuguese wine region covering the same areas as the Trás os Montes e Alto Douro region. The area is classified as a Vinho Regional (VR), a designation similar to a French vin de pay region. Located in the northeastern corner … Wikipedia
Viticulture au Portugal — Vignobles du Portugal Carte des vins d appellation au Portugal Désignation(s) Vignobles du Portugal Appellation(s) principale(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Viticulture au portugal — Vignobles du Portugal Carte des vins d appellation au Portugal Désignation(s) Vignobles du Portugal Appellation(s) principale(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Indicação de Proveniência Regulamentada — L Indicação de Proveniência Regulamentada (Indication de Provenance Réglementée ou IPR) est, au Portugal, une classification d origine attribuée aux vins qui, provenant d un terroir viticole déterminé, doivent encore satisfaire à toute la… … Wikipédia en Français
Denominação de Origem Controlada — 1. Bucelas DOC 2. Colares DOC 3. Setúbal DOC 4. Carcavelos DOC 5. Alenquer DOC 6. Torres Vedras DOC 7. Arruda … Wikipédia en Français