- Sri Atmananda Memorial School (Malakkara, Kerala)
Sri Atmananda Memorial School, administered by Atma Vidya Educational Foundation (AVEF), is an educational model for the KPM Approach to Children, inspired by the great nowrap|Sage Sri Adwayananda nowrap|(Sri K. Padmanabha Menon), for whom the Approach is named. His idea about education acknowledges the fundamental dignity of the individual child. In the close relationship between teacher and child, the curriculum is introduced through the child’s interests, fulfilling his or her personal, social, and academic needs. The guiding principles of this kind of education are that children are natural learners who learn in an integrated way, with each child developing in his or her own way. Most importantly, a strong relationship with a teacher is the foundation for development. Outcomes of this kind of education include self-confidence, independent thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity, initiative, and ability in conflict resolution. [ Tarla R. Nanavati, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/Creating_Real_Change_In_Education_speech.pdf “Creating Real Change in Education”] paper given at Association of ISC Schools Principals’ Conference, 1997; retrieved July 2, 2008. See also Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/Experiential_Learning_-_The_KPM_Approach_to_Children.pdf “Experiential Learning: The KPM Approach to Children”] paper presented at conference on “Towards a Humanistic Education: Review of Experiments in Education,” organized by Indian Council for Gandhian Studies and Madhavimandiram Loka Seva Trust, Trivandrum, January 28, 2006, Trivandrum, India; retrieved July 19, 2008.] __noTOC____NOEDITSECTION__
About the School
Founded in 1987, now with an enrolment of 184 children on two campuses, kindergarten through twelfth standard, the School is non-sectarian and accommodates children from varied socio-economic and religious backgrounds. It is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations [ See [http://www.cisce.org/ Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations] ] and also to the Clonlara School (USA) [See [http://www.clonlara.org/ Clonlara School] ] .
Visitors to the School, which is located in Malakara village near Chengannur, Kerala, India, remark on the joyous atmosphere and enthusiasm evident among the children and teachers.Nisha Nair K. “They Learn Through Play and Play While They Learn,” "Malayala Manorama Vishukani" (April 2007), pp. 72-76. See also [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/The_Week-I_school_my_school.pdf “I-School, My School”] "The Week" (February 9, 2003), pp. 16-19. See also [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/Its_Science_All_Around.pdf “It is Science all Around: Sri Atmananda Memorial School, Malakara”] (May 2003), "The National Science Magazine".] In the Lower Primary Section (ages 5 through 8), the children are free to decide which activities to attend and how to organize their own day, according to their interests. By the Upper Primary Section (ages 8-11), the children tend toward group projects that require a longer attention span. Examinations are introduced in the UP in a fun way through an “Exam Fest” where everyone helps everyone else. [Farwa Imam Ali, Nistula Hebbar & Litta Jacob, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/The_Week-Looking_for_that_spark.pdf “USP: Looking for That Spark”] "The Week" (February 9, 2003).] By the High School (ages 12-14) and Plus-Two (ages 15-17) Sections, the children prepare for the external board examinations in tenth (ICSE) and twelfth (ISC) standards or pursue the Clonlara diploma which assesses children on internal examinations, daily work, and a cumulative portfolio. [Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, KPM Approach to Children [Brochure] , Malakara, India, 2004.]
The benefits of this way of learning can be seen in the school’s graduates, who have gone on to higher learning at distinguished institutions, including the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), the National Institute of Design (Bangalore), St. Stephen’s College (University of Delhi), and so forth, and on into the professional world at companies such as IBM, Tata Consultancy Services and Hewlett-Packard. [Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, "The Team Shines," [http://kpmapproach.org/files/perspective/AVEF%20Perspective%20January%202008.pdf "Perspective"] (January 2008). See also “Where are They Now?” [http://kpmapproach.org/files/perspective/AVEF%20Perspective%20January%202007.pdf "Perspective"] (January 2007).] Alumni are pursuing careers as varied as those of engineer, lawyer, animator, ayurvedic doctor, speech therapist, accountant, ship captain and teacher. Because of their way of learning, the students are strong in interpersonal skills, problem-solving and decision-making, all of which are much in demand in the professional world.
The school has an international profile, with teachers from all over the world coming to train in the KPM Approach to Children. AVEF also licenses another KPM School in Austin, Texas, USA. [See [http://www.samschool.org Sri Atmananda Memorial School (Austin, TX, USA)] ] In following the principles of unconditionally valuing children, listening to them, helping them develop and giving regard to their thoughts and feelings, a deep love for the School develops among all who participate, and teachers along with students are improved.
School Milestones
:*Inauguration of Sri Atmananda Memorial School by Sri Adwayananda nowrap|(Sri K. Padmanabha Menon) (1987) [Sri O. C. Vincent, District Collector, Pathanamathitta District, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/OCVincent_District_Collector.pdf speech given on occasion of inauguration] of Sri Atmananda Memorial School, Malakara (October 2, 1987); retrieved July 19, 2008.] :*Described by Sir Bernard Ledwidge, Chairman of United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF, as “the best school I have seen in all my career” (1991) [Sir Bernard Ledwidge, KCMG, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/Sir_Ledwidge_speech.pdf speech given] November 8, 1991, at Sri Atmananda Memorial School, India; retrieved July 19, 2008.] :*Authored teachers’ resource books of games and activities: "Up and About!" (1994) [Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, "Up and About!: 20 Activities for Primary School", Hyderabad: Orient Longman Ltd., 1994.] , "Let’s Colour Our World" (1995) [Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, "Let’s Colour Our World", Hyderabad: Orient Longman Ltd., 1995.] , and "Educational Board Games" (1997) [Atma Vidya Educational Foundation, "Educational Board Games", Hyderabad: Orient Longman Ltd., 1997.] , all published by Orient Longman, Ltd. :*Invited to present the KPM Approach to Children to Mikhail Gorbachev’s State of the World Forum (USA), 1997, 1999, 2000 [Mary Thomajan, [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/World_Forum_Speech_97.pdf “New Visions from Ancient Traditions"] paper given at The State of the World Forum, San Francisco, 1997.] :*Received the KANFED 2000 Award for Best High School for Innovation [Kerala Association for Non-Formal Education and Development] :*First graduating class (2001) :*Rated by "The Week" magazine as “one of the top ten innovative schools in India” (2003) [ [http://www.kpmapproach.org/files/The_Week-I_school_my_school.pdf “I-School, My School”] , "The Week" (February 9, 2003), pp. 16-19.] :*Rated one of the top three schools in South India by "Vishukani" magazine (published by "Malayala Manorama") (2007):*Association of Indian Universities recognition of Clonlara diploma offered by Sri Atmananda Memorial School as equivalent to +2 stage qualification of an Indian board for admission to Indian universities (2008)
Training Programme
Atma Vidya Educational Foundation offers five basic streams for introduction and training in the KPM Approach to Children at the model school, Sri Atmananda Memorial School, in Malakara, Kerala, India. [See http://kpmapproach.org/training]
:*Teacher Training, either to work in a KPM school or to be a trained KPM teacher. The programme is for ten months (one school year).:*The Child’s World Programme, a one-day to three-month introduction to the KPM Approach to Children and the model school in India. It includes working with teachers and children as well as seminars and workshops.:*Child-focused Teaching, a two-month programme including seminars and practical experience designed for teachers in any school environment to apply some of the basic principles of child development.:*Activity-based Learning, preparing and using subject-based activities to teach a syllabus.
External Links
:* [http://www.kpmapproach.org/ KPM Approach to Children]
:* [http://www.kpmnetwork.org/ KPM Network of Educational Resources]
Notes and References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.