Jean-Pierre Stirbois

Jean-Pierre Stirbois

Jean-Pierre Stirbois (30 January 1945-Ponchartrain, 5 November 1988) was a French far-right politician, husband of Marie-France Stirbois. He has been associated with the first electoral breakthrough of the National Front, in Dreux in 1983.


He participated to Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour presidential campaign in 1965. Stirbois then was active in the "Mouvement jeune révolution" (MJR, solidarist). Along with Michel Collinot, he created in 1975 the Solidarist Union ("Union solidariste").

In 1977, he joined Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front (founded in 1972), becoming its general secretary in 1981. FN candidate for the 1983 municipal election in Dreux (Eure-et-Loir), he managed to obtain 16% of the votes at the first round, which was the first electoral breakthrough of the FN. For the second round, he merged his list with Jean Hieaux's list (Rally for the Republic, RPR), and became deputy mayor. Most of the RPR and UDF responsibles recognized this alliance between the right and the far-right, including Jacques Chirac himself.

Stirbois then managed to be elected MEP at the 1984 European election on Le Pen's FN list. In 1986, the proportional representation enabled him to enter the National Assembly as deputy of the Hauts-de-Seine.

Stirbois became a rival of Bruno Mégret during his rise inside the FN. Following a trip to New Caledonia, he died in a car-crash in 1988.

See also

*Roger Holeindre, current FN member who claims to follow Stirbois' solidarist tendency

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