Villa Paul Poiret

Villa Paul Poiret

The Villa Paul Poiret in Mézy-sur-Seine, 32 rue d'Apremont in the department of Yvelines (France), is the work of the architect Robert Mallet-Stevens that does not put its completion. As the Villa Savoye, built Poissy by le Corbusier a few years later, this villa is aware of the modern of the interwar period. Uninhabited, it was in very poor condition. In autumn 2007, significant rehabilitation work is under way (amendment of the terrace, cleaning facades, change of frames, setting the standard electrical circuits). The keeper's house is, however, remains sealed and without frames.

It is a geometric composition with very sleek lines. The white building in concrete, forms a cubic generous proportions: 800 sq m of living space. The lobby, main room of the villa offers seven meters high ceilings and two large windows that go up to the ceiling. The upper terrace provides a panoramic view over the Seine Valley.

It was built to order in 1924 - 1925 to fashion Paul Poiret in a park of 5 acres overlooking the village and the valley of the Seine. The latter described as "united"surfaces, sharp edges, curved net polished materials, right angles, clarity, order. This is my house and geometric logic." ".

He did, however, never lived and took only the guardian's house pending the completion of work he was unable to continue his couture house, having failed in 1926. He sold in 1930 to actress Elvira Popescu, which made him undergo transformation by architect Paul Boyer in 1932, somewhat distorting the original project. He added including windows shaped window and railings shaped rail, which earned the nickname the villa of "liner". She lived there until 1985. Since then, it is abandoned and his condition has greatly deteriorated.

It was classified in the supplementary inventory of historic buildings in 1984.

In 1999, an industrialist has acquired a passion for public auction for a total of 1.8 million francs. It would to restore the original spirit of Robert Mallet-Stevens. The villa is open to the public occasionally, especially when European Heritage Days.

Related articles

* Villa Cavrois
* Villa Noailles

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