1923 in art

1923 in art

List of years in Art


*Publication of "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri.


*Archibald Prize: W B McInnes - "Portrait of a Lady"


*Max Beckmann - "Dance in Baden-Baden"
*Constantin Brancusi - "Bird in Space"
*Felice Casorati - "Meriggio (Noon)"
*Marcel Duchamp - "The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)" is completed
*Auguste Herbin - "Bowls Players"
*Wassily Kandinsky - "On White II"
*Pablo Picasso -
**"The Pipes of Pan"
**"Paulo on a Donkey"


January to June

*8 April - George Fisher, American political cartoonist (d.2003).
*3 May - Norman Thelwell, English cartoonist (d.2004).
*15 May - Richard Avedon, American photographer (d.2004).
*22 May - Max Velthuijs, Dutch painter, illustrator and author (d.2005).
*27 May - Inge Mörath, Austrian photographer (d.2002).
*24 June - Marc Riboud, photographer.
*25 June - Sam Francis, American painter and printmaker (d.1994).

July to December

*13 September - Edouard Boubat, French photographer (d.1999).
*7 October - Jean-Paul Riopelle, Canadian painter and sculptor (d.2002).
*27 October - Roy Lichtenstein, American pop artist (d.1997).
*1 December - Morris, cartoonist (d.2001).
*13 December - Antoni Tàpies, painter.

Full date unknown

*Paul Jenkins, abstract expressionist painter.
*François Ozenda, French painter (d.1976).


*January 31 - Eligiusz Niewiadomski, modernist painter, art critic and assassin
*April 15 - Aleksander Sochaczewski, Polish painter (b. 1843)
*June 15 - Joseph B. Davol, marine painter
*June 21 - Edward Clark Potter, sculptor
*October 2 - John Wilson Bengough, cartoonist
*November 27 - Penleigh Boyd, landscape painter
* Edwin Romanzo Elmer, painter
* Marc Ferrez, photographer
* Candace Wheeler, designer
* Adolf Oberländer, caricaturist (b. 1845)
* Théophile Steinlen, Swiss/French painter (b. 1859)

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