John Duigan

John Duigan

John Duigan, (born 19 June 1949 in Hampshire, England, UK) is an Australian film director.

Duigan emigrated to Australia in 1961, having been born to an Australian father. He is related to many Australian performers, being the brother of Virginia Duigan (wife of director Bruce Beresford) and uncle of Trilby Beresford. Duigan has directed 23 films, including "Romero", "Lawn Dogs", "The Parole Officer", "Sirens", and "Head in the Clouds". He intended his magnum opus to be The Danny Embling Trilogy, three films centered around the character Danny Embling, an artistic youth growing up in 1960s Australia whose life is influenced by the socially changing world around him and a series of doomed love affairs. The first two films in the series were the critically acclaimed "The Year My Voice Broke", and "Flirting", both of which won the Australian Film Institute awards for best picture the years they were released. As of 2007, the third film has yet to be made. Noah Taylor, who portrayed Embling, is now in his late 30s. Since Embling was supposed to have still been a young adult when the series concluded, it seems doubtful that Duigan will complete the trilogy with Taylor in the starring role.


* "Head in the Clouds" (2004)
* "The Parole Officer" (2001)
* "Paranoid" (2000)
* "Molly" (1999)
* "Lawn Dogs" (1997)
* "The Leading Man" (1996)
* "The Journey of August King" (1995)
* "Sirens" (1994)
* "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1993)
* "Flirting" (1991)
* "Romero" (1989)
* "" (1988, TV)
* "The Year My Voice Broke" (1987)
* "Vietnam" (1987 TV mini-series)
* "Room to Move" (1987 TV movie)
* "Winners" (1985 TV series) - episode "Room to Move"
* "One Night Stand" (1984)
* "Far East" (1982)
* "Winter of Our Dreams" (1981)
* "Dimboola" (1979)
* "Mouth to Mouth" (1978)
* "The Trespassers" (1976)
* "The Firm Man" (1975)

External links

*imdb name|id=0241090|name=John Duigan

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