- Hwedza
Also known by its colonial variant "
Wedza " the district lies in Zimbabwe's central watershed bordering natural farming regions 2 and 3.Agriculture
As a result of Wedza's unique location entails a vast array of agricultural products. Areas along Watershed Road leading into Wedza from Harare were known for tobbacco, maize and paprika production during the warm wet season (October to March). The more southerly part of the district encompassing areas of Makarara, Zviyambe and leading into Dorowa were once a bastion of cotton farming and cattle ranching. The more central part of the district has a history of erratic rain and as such, villages located in this part of the district are often in need of food aid as they often fail to reap meaningful harvests with the unpredictable rainfall patterns.
Wedza is accessible by road from Harare but the roads have depreciated in quality and as a result, bus companies have stopped services the remote parts such as the areas of Chigondo, St Leoba, and Zana Resettlement. However, daily services are run by several minibus operators to the city of Harare and Marondera, usually terminating at
Murambinda Education
Several schools are found within the district these are listed below
Primary Schools
* St Margaret's Chigondo Primary School
* St Matthias Ruswa Primary School
* St Joseph's Primary School
* Gumbonzvanda Primary School
* Chemhanza Primary School
* Mt St Mary's (Rusunzwe) Primary SchoolSecondary Schools
* Mt St Mary's High School
* St Annes Goto High School
* Chemhanza High School
* Warikandwa High SchoolTourism
The location of Imire Game Park within the district makes it a somehow good location for a safari trip. The Game park has for years taken part in the
Rhinoceros breeding programme. However of late poachers have killed several of the animals including breeding cows.Politics
Second Chimurenga and its aftermath has for years inclined the popular vote from the district towardsRobert Mugabe 'sZANU PF . However, the socio-economic recession that has been part and parcel of Zimbabwe's fabric has been steadily tilting the people toward's the oppositionMDC , as witnessed by Mugabe's defeat in the March 29 Presidential election. However, ZANU PF has regained both Wedza North and Wedza South parliamentary seats (Wedza was one constituency before being split into two).Domineering names from Wedza include General Constantine Chiwenga, commander in chief of the army; Aeneas Chigwedere, former Minister of Education and recently appointed
Mashonaland East governor; Solomon Tawengwa, ex Harare Mayor, and the late Edmund Garwe, former Education minister.Business
The core business was farming with services aligned to the core business also of importance. However retailing had overtaken all else until government pricing policy which was introduced with
Operation Dzikisai Mutengo in 2007 has rendered the majority of business people bankrupt and those still afloat have been failing to find adequate stocks due to the economic woes.
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