Matus Bisnovat

Matus Bisnovat

Matus Ruvimovich Bisnovat (Russian: Матус Рувимович Бисноват, October 23, 1905 – November 8, 1977), Soviet aircraft and missile designer.

Bisnovat attended the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), graduating in 1931. In 1938, he headed a research team in Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Institute TsAGI, Zhukovsky, where several high-speed experimental airplanes were developed, the SK-1, SK-2 and SK-3.

From 1942 - 1944 Bisnovat oversaw the development of the "302" rocket/ramjet fighter in NII-3, supervised by A. G. Kostikov. In 1946 he became head of Plant no. 293 and a team of engineers formerly in the OKB-293 of Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov. There Bisnovat managed some later work on the Bereznyak-Isayev BI-1 rocket plane. In 1948, with engine designer A.M. Isaev he worked on the supersonic aircraft "Samolet 5". In 1952 he developed the infrared homing air-to-air missile SNARS-250.

Bisnovat fell prey to an anti-Semitic campaign ("cosmopolitanism") instigated by rivals of Lavrentiy Beria. As a result he was ousted as head of Plant 293.

In 1954 Bisnovat became head of design bureau KB Molniya, where he oversaw the development of air-to-air missiles R-40, K-60 and K-73.

Bisnovat was awarded a doctorate in science in 1965, Lenin Prize in 1966, State Prize of USSR in 1973, and Hero of Socialist Labor in 1975.

He died in 1977 from complications due to diabetes.

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