Kim Petras

Kim Petras

Kim Petras (born Tim Petras) is German teenager who is an aspiring pop singer. Petras is well-known for having undergone male to female gender transitioning from an early age. In 2008 she was signed to Joyce Records and released online her first single "Last Forever" which became popular on YouTube and Myspace with her songs being listened to 60,000 and 46,000 times respectively. [ [ World's youngest transsexual gets record deal] - (18 Sep 2008)] In September 2008 she released her first commercially available single "Fade Away" into the German market. [ [ "Fade Away" single on] ]

Petras received worldwide publicity at 12 when she appeared in numerous articles describing her as the "world's youngest transsexual". This claim is erroneous as children as young as six have been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder and have begun transition. However Petras may qualify as the youngest - at that time - to have received female hormone treatments.

She received further publicity at the age of 14 when she appeared in a television documentary [ [ "Mann oder Frau?"] - television documentary on VOX (TV channel) show Stern TV-Reportage] and various talk shows in a push to get permission for early Gender Reassignment Surgery. [ [ Kims Kindheit im falschen Körper] ("Kim's childhood in the wrong body") (German) - Stern (2006)] According to German law, a person must be at least 18 to be allowed to undergo this kind of surgery, and at present, no cases are known where an exception was made. Kim Petras turned 16 in 2008, but there have been no official statements on her behalf whether or not she has been granted an exception or has in fact already had surgery.

External links

* [ Kim Petras on MySpace]
* [ Kim Petras on YouTube]
* [ Kim Petras's blog]
* [ Joyce Records] - record company


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