- Abraham Lincoln High School (Des Moines)
Extracurricular activities
Students have the option to participate in many extracurricular activities, which include activities, clubs, and sports that take place outside of the regular curriculum.
* Clubs (as of 2005-2006 school year, clubs in "italics" are defunct)
** Anime Club
** Business Professionals of America"
** Computer Club"
** Dorian Art Club"
** Drama Club
** Gamer's Paradise
** International Thespian Society Troupe #4752"
** National Honor Society
** Rails Key Club
** Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA)
** Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD)"
* Activities
** Academic Decathlon
** Academic Letter
** All Male Dance Team
** Ambassadors
** Band (Marching, Jazz, Concert, Pep)"
** Cheerleading
** Close Up
** Committee Select
** Conflict Management
** Debate/Forensics
** Fellowship of Christian Athletes
** Mermaids Synchronized Swimming
** Minority Achievement Program (MAP)
** Mock Trial
** Quiz Bowl
** Railettes Dance Team
** Science Bound
** Sisters for Success
** Student Council
** Upward Bound
** We the People
* Sports
** Baseball
** Basketball
** Cross Country
** Football
** Golf
** Softball
** Swimming
** Soccer
** Tennis
** Track
** Volleyball
** WrestlingCurriculum
The school day is split into seven periods of course instruction, with the fifth period being the longest to allow for a short lunch break. The school district requires students to take a number of core academic courses if they wish to graduate. This includes Social Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Art, and Physical Education. The exact amount of academic credit needed to satisfy graduation requirements is determined by the school district.
All students are required by the district to enroll in four subject courses and a Physical Education course. However, the school compels lower-class students to schedule a full day of classes, in order to ensure satisfaction with district graduation requirements. Juniors and seniors have the option of having an "open period" during the first or last period of the school day ("Seniors may have open periods during any period"). However, juniors require parental permission to have an open period.
The district requires four years of Physical Education. Freshmen and sophomores usually take their P.E. courses at the school. Juniors and seniors have the option of taking alternative P.E. programs, including a bowling class that requires students to commute to a nearby bowling alley.
ee also
Des Moines Public Schools for other schools in the same district.References
External links
* [http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/ Des Moines Public Schools Homepage]
* [http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/schools/3Lincoln/index.htm Lincoln High School Homepage]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.