Jack R. Fenton

Jack R. Fenton

Infobox State Representative
honorific-prefix =
name = Jack R. Fenton
honorific-suffix =

state_assembly = California
preceded=John Moreno
succeeded=Robert G. Beverly
district2 =59th
term_start2 = 1974
term_end2 =1980
predecessor2 =Alan Sieroty
successor2 =Matthew G. Martínez
birth_date = 1916-08-07
birth_place = Rochester, New York
death_date =2007-11-06
death_place =Dallas, Texas
nationality = American
spouse =Betty Byer
party = Democratic
relations =
children =Mark Fenton, Melissa Fenton, Marilyn Stern, the late Maureen Fenton
residence =
alma_mater =SUNY Brockport
occupation =
religion =Jewish

website =
footnotes = [cite journal
quotes =
author=Guerra, Fernando J. and Dwaine Marvick
date =
month =
title =Ethnic Officeholders and Party Activists in Los Angeles County
journal =Minorities in the Post-Industrial City
volume =Volume II
issue =Year 1986 Paper 11
pages =
publisher =Institute for Social Science Research (University of California, Los Angeles)
location =
issn =
pmid =
doi =
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Jack R. Fenton (1916-08-07 - 2007-11-06) represented represented California's 51st State Assembly district and California's 59th State Assembly district 16 years in the California State Assembly. He was part of the Democrat leadership, majority leader in 1972, and helped establish California's occupational health and safety regime.cite news
first=Jocelyn Y.
authorlink= |author=
title=Jack R. Fenton, 91; legislator pushed worker safety
format= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
work=Los Angeles Times
publisher= |location= |id= |pages=
accessdate=2008-09-16 |language=
quote=During his 14 years in the Capitol, Fenton was known as a gruff straight-talker with a fiery temper and a deep loyalty to his allies in the Democratic Party. He championed the rights of consumers and pushed for unemployment insurance for farm workers and benefits for veterans.But Fenton’s greatest legislative achievement was the passage of laws that improved health and safety conditions for workers and implemented the state plan known as Cal-OSHA. The action came two years after the Sylmar tunnel disaster, which some critics said could have been prevented.


His parents were Lithuanian immigrants. His father operated a delicatessen.

He earned a degree in 1939 from what was then called Brockport State Normal School, and later studied at University of California, Berkeley.

He was drafted into the United States Army in 1941, and served in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II. After his discharge, he entered Loyola Law School in 1945, and was graduated in 1949.

Also in 1945, he married Betty Byer who subsequently bore him four children.

He established a law practice in Montebello, California in 1949.

Mr. Fenton belonged to many organizations, including the Optimist Club, American Legion and Rotary Club.

He received the "George Moscone Memorial Award for Outstanding Public Service" in 1978, from [http://www.caala.org/LO/ an association of consumer lawyers] in Los Angeles. [cite web
title=Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles
author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format=
work= |publisher= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate=

He was appointed a member of the Judicial Council of California in 1979. [cite book
last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others=
author=Judicial Council of California
origdate= |origyear= |origmonth=
accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition=Fourth edition
year= |month=
publisher=Administrative Office of the Courts
location=San Francisco, California
language= |isbn= |oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |quote=

Political career

When John Moreno, the first term Mexican American Assemblyman for the 51st District sought reelection, he faced both Dionisio Morales and Jack Fenton. With the chicano vote split, Fenton won the party's nomination in the primary election. [cite web
title=Chicano Representation in California: Taking Control of their Destiny
first=John P
authorlink= |coauthors=
year= |month= |format=
work=HispanicVista Columnists
publisher= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
quote=When Assemblyman Moreno tried to get reelected to his 51st District seat, he found himself up against another Chicano candidate, Dionisio Morales. This contest split the Chicano vote and led to victory in the Democratic Primary by Jack Fenton. Jack Fenton received 16,278 votes to John Moreno’s 12,850 votes.
] [cite web
title=SOMOS PRIMOS: Dedicated to Hispanic Heritage and Diversity Issues
author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format=
work=Somos Primos |publisher= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
quote=In 1962, Philip Soto and John Moreno, both local Council members, became the first two Latinos from Los Angeles County to be elected to the California State Legislature in the Twentieth Century. They were also the first Latinos to be elected to serve in the State Assembly since the election of Miguel Estudillo of Riverside County in 1907. The election of these two men set a precedent for a long line of Latino legislators committed to the service of their communities...John Moreno, a World War II veteran, was a Democrat from Los Angeles and served as a representative of the 51st District to the California State Assembly. Unfortunately, in 1964, when Moreno tried to run again, he was defeated in the Democratic Primary by Jack Fenton.
] He carried the general election with 69% of the vote. He continued to represent Montebello, reelected to seven more two year terms (from 1974, in the the 59th Assembly District.)cite web
title=11-03-1964 Election
author= |last=Vassar |first=Alex |authorlink= |coauthors=Shane Meyers |date= |year= |month= |format=
publisher=The One Voter Project
pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=
] cite web
title=Jack R. Fenton
author= |last=Vassar |first=Alex |authorlink= |coauthors=Shane Meyers |date= |year= |month= |format=
publisher=The One Voter Project
pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=

In the legislature, Fenton championed consumers, veterans, and labor (including farm workers.)

After Jess Unruh declared his candidacy for Governor in 1969, Fenton and [http://www.joincalifornia.com/candidate/5694 Assemblyman George N. Zenovich] encouraged Unruh (at first unsuccessfully) to resign as party leader in the Assembly.cite book
first=Jackson K.
authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others=
title=Jess: The Political Career of Jesse Marvin Unruh
origdate= |origyear= |origmonth=
accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |date=
publisher=University Press of America
location= |language=
oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |quote=

Following an industrial accident 1971-06-24, an explosion of methane gas fatal to 17 workers in the California Water Project's Sylmar tunnel, he led the investigation in the Assembly's Committee on Industrial Safety. His investigation, and civil litigation, found negligence by the contractor (Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company) and state inspectors. He was a leader promoting statutory change, notably the June 1973 California Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Hospitals and staff threatened to cease organ transplantation activity in 1973 when its legal basis came into question. Criminal defense attorneys argued that harvesting a victim's organs while his heart was still beating caused death, not their clients. Dixon Arnett (R-Redwood City introduced emergency legislation to recognize death when brain activity ceased. He was three votes short of the required supermajority when he enlisted Jack Fenton, who secured favorable action from two more members. After the California Senate passed the bill, Arnett flew to Chicago to secure Governor Ronald Reagan's signature giving force to the law. [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |author= |coauthors=
title=Brain Death Bill
work=San Diego Jewish World (Volume 2, Number 73)
publisher= |location=San Diego, California
id= |pages= |page=
language= |quote= |archiveurl= |archivedate=

From 1977-1980 he was chairman of the Assembly's Judiciary Committee. [cite book
first=Bruce E.
coauthors=Thad Kousser
title=Adapting to Term Limits: Recent Experiences and New Directions
publisher=Public Policy Institute of California
location= |language= |isbn=9781582131016
oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |quote=
] Earlier, he had been chairman of the Assembly's Finance and Insurance Committee. [cite web
title=First among Equals: California Legislative Leadership, 1964-1992
accessmonthday= |accessdaymonth= |accessyear= |author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format= |work= |publisher= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=

He lost his primary election in 1980 to Matthew G. Martinez.

Art Torres was a protege and Republican Assemblyman Robert Hayden (of Santa Clara's 22nd district) was a friend.

ee also

* [http://content.ci.pomona.ca.us/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/Landmarks&CISOPTR=1789&CISOBOX=1&REC=6 Photo of Fenton & al.]
*cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others=
title=Transcript of proceedings / California State Legislature, Special Subcommittee on the Sylmar Tunnel Disaster of the Assembly General Research Committee ... San Fernando, California
origdate= |origyear= |origmonth=
accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |date=
publisher=California. Legislature. Assembly. General Research Committee. Special Subcommittee on the Sylmar Tunnel Disaster.
location= |language= |isbn= |oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl=
quote= Hearings held Sept. 2-24, 1971

*cite book
authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others=
title=The Sylmar tunnel disaster
origdate= |origyear= |origmonth=
accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |date=
publisher=Everest House
location=New York
language= |isbn= |oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapter= |chapterurl=

*cite news
authorlink= |author= |coauthors=
title=Smell of gas, then deadly blast
work=Los Angeles Daily News
publisher= |location= |id= |pages= |page=
language= |quote= |archiveurl= |archivedate=

*cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |author=United Press International
work=Fresno Bee
publisher= |location= |id= |pages= |page= |date=1971-06-24
accessdate=2008-09-17 |language=
quote=A natural gas explosion flared through a water tunnel today, suffocating trapped miners in one of the worst underground disasters in California history. At least one man survived.Four bodies were retrieved, and 13 other miners were presumed dead in the tunnel. A fireman said five bodies could be accounted for by "arms and legs protruding from the rubble."It was the third disaster to strike a section of the multibillion-dollar California Water Project, the most complex water work ever attempted, and the second explosion in the Sylmar tunnel in two days.The explosion set part of the tunnel afire and it was still burning almost 12 hours later, firemen said.
archiveurl= |archivedate=

*cite journal
quotes =
author =Proctor, Richard J.
date =
year =2002
month =December
title =The San Fernando Tunnel explosion, California
journal =Engineering Geology
volume =Volume 67
issue =Issues 1-2
pages =Pages 1-3
publisher =The George A. Kiersch Series on Principles of Engineering Geology, Elsevier Science B.V.
location =
issn =
pmid =
doi =doi:10.1016/S0013-7952(02)00042-X
bibcode =
oclc =
id =
url =http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V63-45FYY76-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=757f63480b47b2b549f664a22a951eae
language =
format =Fee
accessdate =2008-09-18
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quote =A disastrous gas explosion in a tunnel under Los Angeles in 1971 took the lives of 17 workers. Construction was halted for 2 years while the owner, the contractor and OSHA decided how to proceed safely. Many warning signs preceded the event, but were not fully acknowledged or addressed. A criminal trial for negligence and new State safety orders has resulted in more strict procedures. Tunneling in areas where hydrocarbons are present require special precautions and special procedures.

*cite book |last=Doyle |first=Barry R.
title=Hazardous Gases Underground: Applications to Tunnel Engineering
origdate= |origyear= |origmonth= |accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |date=
authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others= |format= |month= |location= |language= |oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= |chapterurl=
publisher=CRC Press
chapter=8. Geologic Environments of Natural Gas, p. 221
quote=The San Fernando Tunnel is a water conveyance tunnel located about 40m northwest of the center of Los Angeles, California. This alignment extends from the northern San Fernando Valley into the San Gabriel Mountains, terminating in a shaft near the south end of the San Fernando Pass, as shown in Figure 8-27a. The tunnel is about 9 km long, and has an excavated diameter of 6.6 m (Jacobs 1975). Excavation was proceeding westerly into the mountains when the face reached the faulted margin of the east Ventura basin, a petroleum-producing sedimentary basin north of the mountains. Within three days of encountering this margin, a gas explosion killed 17 workers.


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