Carl Beebee

Carl Beebee

Carl Beebee: Photographic Artist.

Carl is a photographic artist from the UK, with a first class degree in Fine Art Photography.

His exhibition career began in 2003 with several low-key UK exhibitions. These went on throughout 2004 with exhibitions held in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Coventry.

It was the exhibition in Coventry, which caught the eye of a large American art group, which in turn led toCarl Beebee Exported’. This was a 10-day exhibition of America, which went to 10 different venues in 10 different cities, including; Seattle, New York and Chicago. The exhibition would eventually reach Toronto, Canada. The shows were a huge success, which has led to 95% of Carls shows being held in America, and turning Carl into one of the UK art worlds most successful exports.

In 2004 Carl was awarded Flicker Magazines, 'Photographic Artist of The Year' Award.

In July of 2005 he was commissioned by Make Poverty History to document the Edinburgh rally against Poverty. This led to another series of work that travelled the globe.

Throughout 2005 the shows continued to grow in size in various American galleries and venues. In 2006 Carl hit the U.S headlines when a piece of his work which depicted dead toy soldiers in front of the twin towers was banned from a gallery in New York City. A petition began, which was signed by several thousand people to reinstate the piece of art into the exhibition.

Since then Carl went onto launch an Independent film company, 12.42 Films, who recently released a DVD documentary on 90s Indie legends, Neds Atomic Dustbin.

Although matured Carls work remains in very much the same style, when asked about his images he said:Ive always liked them to be rather abrupt. I dont see the point in trying to confuse people. I like the fact that anybody can view one of my images and get it straight away”.

In 2008 Carl worked on a public art project entitled 'Labelled' with Jaime Jackson. The youth led art project which contained posters, banners and projections was part of the renowned 2008 Hereford Photography Festival. It was funded by 'Welcome To Our Future', The hereford Photography Festival and Leominster Town Council.

In September of this year he will have two shows in New York City as well as a exhibition in his hometown of Hereford, UK.


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