Meanings of asteroid names/3401–3500

Meanings of asteroid names/3401–3500

|| Fyodor Abramov, Soviet writer [ †]
3410 Vereshchagin || || *
3414 Champollion || 1983 DJ || Jean-François Champollion, French linguist
3415 Danby || 1928 SL || Anthony Danby (John Michael Anthony Danby), British-born mathematician formerly of North Carolina State University [ †]
3416 Dorrit || 1931 VP || Dorrit Hoffleit, American astronomer
3417 Tamblyn || 1937 GG || *
3418 Izvekov || || Konstantin Konstantinovich Chuvaev, Soviet astronomer [ †]
3430 Bradfield || || Arsène Boury, Belgian astronomer*
3436 Ibadinov || || *
3439 Lebofsky || || Leonid Yashin, Soviet goalkeeper
3443 Leetsungdao || || *
3449 Abell || || Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian writer
3454 Lieske || || Arne Nordheim, Norwegian composer*
3458 Boduognat || || Osip Mandelstam, Soviet poet [ †]
3462 Zhouguangzhao || || *
3466 Ritina || || Mikhail Bulgakov, Soviet writer [ †]
3470 Yaronika || 1975 ES || discoverer's son Yaroslav, who also works at CrAO [ †]
3471 Amelin || || Dongguan, China
3477 Kazbegi || 1979 KH || Mount Kazbek, on the border between Georgia and Russia
3478 Fanale || 1979 XG || Fraser Partington Fanale, American planetary geologist*
3479 Malaparte || 1980 TQ || Curzio Malaparte (Kurt (Erich) Suckert), Italian writer [ †]
3480 Abante || 1981 GB || *
3481 Xianglupeak || || village Lesnaya, near which Swedes were defeated by the Russian army in the Battle of Lesnaya [ †]
3483 Svetlov || || Fridolin Becker, Swiss cartographer or Fridolin Anderwert, Swiss politician or Saint Fridolin (Fridolin von Säckingen), Irish missionary*
3492 Petra-Pepi || 1985 DQ || Daughter of the discoverer [MPC 21955] [ †]
3493 Stepanov || || Johannes Hoppe, German astronomer, or Peter Hoppe, German planetary scientist*
3500 Kobayashi || A919 SD || Takao Kobayashi, astronomer*
-Meanings of asteroid names/Helper|34

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