- Sant Tarachand
Infobox Person
Infobox Person
Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj, popularly known as Bade Maharaj ji was born in a poor family in village Dinod in
Haryana . His spiritual cravings were very intense and started his search for the Supreme creator in the age of six only. He liked the company of the mystics and saints very much. He visited almost all prominent mystics of his time. He did not even enter into marriage institution and remained celibate for whole life to achieve his Supreme goal. He developed some supernatural powers even before he met his Master Ram Singh ji Arman. After initiation he remained in continuous meditation for days together. Love of Arman Saheb ji for Him was the deepest ever known in the history of Santmat. Arman Saheb ji was so happy that he wrote a book "Vashiyatnama" for his successor Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj. [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/lineage.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Life of Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj] ]Baba Faqir Chand ji of
Hoshiarpur was also very much impressed upon him, in one of his visits to theAshram of Tarachand ji, He uttered (now written in His books also) following words: "I had come from Hoshiarpur to bow my head at the hallowed feet of my Sat Guru Dev Sant Tarachand ji." I attained the Sublime Knowledge from Sant Tarachand ji and my other such disciples. Thus I have come here to pay my respects to Tarachand Ji, a True Form of mySatguru ." [ [http://www.geocities.com/eckcult/faqirchand/faqir5.html: Life and Secrets of Baba Faqir Chand ji Maharaj] ]Name and fame of Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj as a True Saint spread not only in all parts of this country, but in many other countries also, including European States. He departed this world on Jan 3rd, 1997.
Ashram FoundationThe present Ashram in Dinod was founded by Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj.
Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj Books
Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj wrote following book: [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/library.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Books by Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj] ]
* 1) Anubhava Parakash
* 2) Radha Swami Sant Sandesh (Monthly magazine)Radha Swami Sant Sandesh is a monthly magazine of hissatsangs .tar Monument, Dinod
Infobox religious building
building_name =Star Monument
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caption =Star Monument
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location =Dinod,Bhiwani ,Haryana ,India
district =
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geo =coord|28.7933401|76.0444933|format=dms
latitude =
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religious_affiliation =Holy "Samādhi " of Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj
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website =http://radhaswamidinod.org/
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designated =Holy "Samādhi " of Tarachand ji Maharaj is given a beautiful shape of Star monument. The star monument was completed in a very short period of just four years by Param Sant Huzur Kanwar ji Maharaj and by his blessings.Star monument is one of the most breathtaking buildings in India. This building houses the holy "
Samādhi " of Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj fondly called 'Bade Maharaj ji', by his followers. This building is situated in the Radha Swami Satsang bhawan Complex, Dinod, about 10 km fromBhiwani ,Haryana . [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/monument.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Star Monument, Dinod Ashram] ]Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description. Its foundation was laid on October 1st, 1997 by Param Sant Huzur Kanwar Singh ji Maharaj. The monument is a hexagonal pyramid, with its six sides being in the shape of star, as Bade Maharaj ji's first name 'Tara' means a star. Each side measures about 101 feet from the base built on a raised platform measuring about 6 feet. Out of the six, three alternative sides are covered in white marble while the other three in blue Italian glass capable of bearing extreme climatic conditions. A unique thing about the design of this building is that it doesn't have pillars or columns to support itself. The three walls of the "
Samādhi " have prominent stars on them while inside the holy "Samādhi " there are infinite sparkling and twinkling stars.It seems as if they are scattering the light of divine glory of their eternal offspring friend, Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj. Ventilation and cooling techniques are traditional. Fresh air when passes over the fountains is cooled and enters the "Samādhi " through openings and is expelled through vents at the top. During the humid season, the exhaust fans recycle the air. [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/monument.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Star Monument, Dinod Ashram] ]The "
Samādhi " is constructed on a rectangular platform in the center. The statue of Bade Maharaj ji is erected near the western wall. Apart from this, there are six paintings depicting the life of Bade Maharaj ji on the six corners of the "Samādhi ". The marble slippers placed on lotus flower near the "Samādhi " symbolizes the holy feet of Bade Maharaj ji.Different flowers, green grass, wonderful fountains and marble paths of milky white, black and yellow colours around the "
Samādhi " and at the three entrances present a marvellous picture. Stars have been constructed inside of the boundry wall. In the middle of each star, a moon is engraved depicting the name of Bade Maharaj ji. Every evening, the gardens come alive in a burst of dazzling illumination and fountains. It can perfectly be called a 'celestial garden'. The garden houses a small hut on the right side in which Maharaj ji used to meditate. It is the most important place of meditation of Bade Maharaj ji which has the memories of his life. There is a holy well on the left side, the water of which relieves the trusting followers from many diseases. The well is an imperishable treasure which recollects memories of this life. There are three stairs, one towards the main entrance gate and other two towards the exit gates. There are fountains at 5 places in the garden. two round fountains are on both sides of the main entrance. The rest three are on the raised platform in between each stairs around the "Samādhi ".On the right side from the entrance gate there is a splendid man made waterfall in the north-eastern corner, made up of mountain shaped stones. The water flowing from it leaves a mesmerizing effects on the minds of visitors.
Due to its architectural magnificence and aesthetic looks, its a divine beauty. It has no match on the earth. The celestial garden, the masive star shaped white structure, a small hut, innovative designed holy well, water flowing from waterfall makes it a fascinating and spectacular place. the three gateways are richly embellished. the combination of the traditional and the most modern techniques and equipments, has been used to achieve the highest quality and sophisticated construction.
In short, its a celestical palace and real paradise on earth. Its serene beauty is unbelievable.
ee also
* Radha Swami
*Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod
* Param Sant Shiv Dayal Singh ji (Swami ji Maharaj)
* Param Sant Rai Bahadur Saligram Sahib ji (Hazur Maharaj ji)
* Param Sant Shiv Brat Lal Verman ji (Data Dayal Maharishi ji)
* Param Sant Master Ram Singh ji Arman (Arman Saheb ji)
* Param Sant Kanwar Singh ji (Haal Hazur Maharaj ji)External links
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmlkTaIca6Y&feature=PlayList&p=65E08C45E63E53BD&index=0&playnext=1 Life and Teachings of Tarachand ji (Part 1 to Part 10)]
* [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/ Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod Official website]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RadhaswamiDham/ Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod Yahoo Group]
* Wikimapia.com: [http://www.wikimapia.org/#lat=28.793246&lon=76.044606&z=18&l=0&m=a&v=2 Location of Dinod Ashram]
* Wikimapia.com: [http://www.wikimapia.org/#lat=28.794647&lon=76.155722&z=18&l=0&m=a&v=2 Location of Bhiwani Ashram]
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X_7zYWev6w Lineage of gurus in Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod]
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkr8UikbCjs Star Temple at Dinod Ashram]
* [http://www.geocities.com/eckcult/faqir.html Faqir Chand: The Unknowing Sage]
* [http://www.geocities.com/eckcult/cultexpose/chand.html Faqir Chand Meets the Tibetan Book of the Dead]
* [http://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_archive.html Shiv Bratl Lal's views on Inner Sound]References
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