- Ram Singh Arman
Infobox Person
Ram Singh ji Arman, popularly known as Param Sant Arman Saheb ji, was born in a Yadav family of Jui Village,
Haryana . He arrived on this planet on ninth of Ausouj (month by Indian calendar). He was a teacher by profession. [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/lineage.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Arman Saheb ji's brief description] ]Radha Soami spiritual movementHe was initiated by Maharishi ji on July 18th, 1920 in
Lahore (now inPakistan ). He devoted most of his time inSurat Shabd Yoga , and wrote a very popular book 'Arman Sagar'.In 1930, when he went to Allahabad to see his beloved Master, Maharishi ji said Him, "I am very happy with your spiritual progress. Now onwards I depute you as the Saint of
Haryana , and you may now start initiating the seekers." But Arman Saheb ji requested 'I am not sure that I can perform such a great job', upon this Maharishi ji said "Don't worry, start your work and my full spirit force has already come in your area to help you and It will expand yoursatsang to thousands of times, these are my words to you, wait for It."Again on July 31, 1935 Maharishi ji authorized Arman Saheb ji for initiation via a post. Arman Saheb ji lead a simple life and did not start any Ashram in his life. He was a real hermit and lead a life of quietude. He presided over the Satsang meetings in his small house only, in the village.
It is believed that the full spirit force which Maharishi ji talked about manifested in 1925, in the form of Param Sant Tarchand ji Maharaj, in a very poor family in village Dinod in
Haryana . Param Sant Tarchand ji spiritual cravings were very intense and started his search for the Supreme creator in the age of six only. He liked the company of the mystics & saints very much. He visited almost all prominent mystics of his time. He did not even enter into marriage institution and remained celibate for whole life to achieve his Supreme goal. He developed some supernatural powers even before he met his Master. After initiation he remained in continuous meditation for days together. Love of Arman Saheb ji for Him was the deepest ever known in the history of Santmat. [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/lineage.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Life of Arman Saheb ji] ]Arman Saheb ji Books
Arman Saheb ji wrote following books: [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/library.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Books by Arman Saheb ji] ]
* 1) Arman Sagar
* 2) Arman Sagar Part-2
* 3) Sankat Mochan Ramayan
* 4) VashiyatnamaArman Saheb ji loved his successor Param Sant Tarchand ji a lot. He wrote a book "Vashiyatnama" for his successor Param Sant Tarachand ji Maharaj.Book "Jui Se Jahan" was written on Arman Saheb ji by Param Sant Kanwar Singh ji.
Departure from the world
It is believed that the Arman Saheb ji chose his birth date for departure from this world and revealed this decision three days in advance. On this foresaid date He left His body in meditation in 1976.
Arman Saheb's Successors
Param Sant Tarchand ji was the successor of Arman Saheb ji. Param Sant Tara Chand ji Maharaj, today known as Bade Maharaj founded the present Ashram in Dinod,
Bhiwani ,Haryana [ [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/lineage.htm Radhaswamidinod.org: Life of Arman Saheb ji] ]ee also
* Radha Swami
*Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod
* Param Sant Shiv Dayal Singh ji (Swami ji Maharaj)
* Param Sant Rai Bahadur Saligram Sahib ji (Hazur Maharaj ji)
* Param Sant Shiv Brat Lal Verman ji (Data Dayal Maharishi ji)
* Param Sant Tarachand ji (Bade Maharaj ji)
* Param Sant Kanwar Singh ji (Haal Hazur Maharaj ji)External links
* [http://www.radhaswamidinod.org/ Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod Official website]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RadhaswamiDham/ Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod Yahoo Group]
* Wikimapia.com: [http://www.wikimapia.org/#lat=28.793246&lon=76.044606&z=18&l=0&m=a&v=2 Location of Dinod Ashram]
* Wikimapia.com: [http://www.wikimapia.org/#lat=28.794647&lon=76.155722&z=18&l=0&m=a&v=2 Location of Bhiwani Ashram]
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X_7zYWev6w Lineage of gurus in Radha Swami Satsang, Dinod]
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmlkTaIca6Y&feature=PlayList&p=65E08C45E63E53BD&index=0&playnext=1 Life and Teachings of Tarachand ji (Part 1 to Part 10)]
* YouTube: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkr8UikbCjs Star Temple at Dinod Ashram]References
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