- Maugrim
This article is about the character in C.S Lewis' 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. For the character in Bioware's roleplaying game Neverwinter Nights, see List of Neverwinter Nights characters#Maugrim Korothir. For the character Rakoth Maugrim in Guy Gavriel Kay's The Fionavar Tapestry, see The Fionavar Tapestry.
Narnia character
Maugrim. Art by Leo and Diane DillonMaugrim Race Talking Wolf Nation Narnia Gender Male Title Captain of the Secret Police Major character in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Portrayals in adaptations 1988 BBC miniseries: Martin Stone 2005 Walden/Disney film: Michael Madsen (voice) Maugrim is a fictional wolf, a servant of White Witch in the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. He is captain of the witch's Secret Police (though only one of his lieutenants is ever seen). In early American editions of the book, Lewis changed the name to Fenris Ulf (a wolf from Norse mythology), but when HarperCollins took over the books they backed out Lewis's revisions,[1] and the name Maugrim has been used in all editions since 1994.[2]
Maugrim is one of the few Talking Animals who sided with the Witch during the Hundred-Year Winter. (Nikabrik in Prince Caspian indicates that a majority of Narnian wolves sided with the Witch.)[citation needed]
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Maugrim's name first appears on the notice the Pevensie children find in Mr Tumnus's ransacked cave, announcing his arrest by the Secret Police for not handing Lucy Pevensie over to the White Witch. He is first seen guarding the gate of the White Witch's castle; he takes Edmund's message to the witch and allows him entry.
Maugrim and one of his lieutenants are sent to the Beavers' house to "kill whatever they find there", and to make "all speed" to the Stone Table if the Beavers and Edmund's siblings have already left. The wolves find the house empty, and the harshness of the Witch's imposed winter prevents them from finding any tracks or scent. As instructed, they head for the Stone Table to wait for the witch, but by the time they reach it, the snow has melted and the witch has been forced to continue her journey on foot.
Maugrim rushes onto the Stone Table and terrifies Aslan's followers who are standing nearby, but he is then killed by Peter Pevensie, who is given the title "Sir Peter Wolfsbane".
Aslan's creatures then follow Maugrim's accomplice to the White Witch, enabling them to rescue Edmund in a wooded valley some distance away.
Prince Caspian
Maugrim is briefly mentioned in Prince Caspian when Peter retrieves his sword from the treasury of Cair Paravel, stating, "It is my sword Rhindon ... with it I killed the Wolf."
Media appearances
Maugrim appears in the 1988 BBC production on The Chronicles of Narnia, portrayed by Canadian actor Martin Stone; he is portrayed as a shape shifter (a wer-wolf), who assumes the form of a humanoid wolf-like creature when speaking or fighting, and an actual wolf when standing guard at the Witch's castle, traveling or when mortally wounded. Martin Stone would return in Prince Caspian as the werewolf who, along with a hag (played by Barbara Kellerman, who had previously played the White Witch) and the dwarf Nikabrik, was slayed by Peter and Edmund Pevensie in a failed attempt to bring back the White Witch in the hope that she would defeat King Miraz.
Maugrim appears in the 2005 motion picture The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, in which he is voiced by American actor Michael Madsen. His role in the film is more prominent than in the book or the BBC serial. In sequences invented for the film, Maugrim and his wolves (which are more numerous than in the book) attempt to intimidate a red fox into revealing the children's whereabouts after they leave the Beavers' house. Maugrim later taunts Peter by calling him a coward, citing an earlier confrontation where Peter had not been able to strike a killing blow for fear of harming his friends.
In the 1979 cartoon adaptation, the character was credited as Fenris Ulf.
See also
External links
- Maugrim at the Internet Movie Database
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch
and the WardrobePrince
CaspianThe Voyage of
the Dawn TreaderThe Silver
ChairThe Horse
and His BoyThe Magician's
NephewThe Last
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Categories:- The Chronicles of Narnia characters
- Fictional assassins
- Fictional wolves
- Fictional police officers
- Film characters
- Talking animals in fiction
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