Mambele (knives) — A Mambele is a form of mid to South African knives, but was originally used by the Mangbetu and referred to a curved throwing dagger. These knives reflect the culture of Africa before western colonization; both through their design and use. They… … Wikipedia
Молния (оружие) — Коллекция в Британском музее, Лондон … Википедия
Trumbasch — Angaben Waffenart: Messer Bezeichnungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hunga Munga — Afrikanische Wurfmesser Das Hunga Munga ist ein historisches Wurfmesser und auch eine Nahkampfwaffe afrikanischer Ethnien südlich des Tschadsees und in Zentralafrika.[1] Inhaltsve … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hunga Munga — The Hunga Munga is an African tribal weapon. It is handheld weapon and consists of a metal pointed blade with a curved back section and separate spike near the handle. The weapon can be used in hand to hand combat (Melee) although it is typically … Wikipedia
Guido Poppe — Guido T. Poppe (11 September 1952 *) is a Belgian malacologist and shell dealer. The son of an enthusiastic sports fisherman, Guido came into contact with the sea at a very young age. He became fascinated by marine life during yearly holidays in… … Wikipedia
Nki National Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) … Wikipedia
Nki-Nationalpark — Nki Nationalpark … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kirdi (Waffe) — Angaben Waffenart: Messer, Wurfwaffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Onzil — Angaben Waffenart: Axt, Wurfaxt … Deutsch Wikipedia