Kinesis Myofascial Integration

Kinesis Myofascial Integration

Kinesis Myofascial Integration is a form of Structural Integration. Known as KMI for short, it is a multi-session protocol of 3 or 12 sessions. It involved sensitively-applied deep tissue manipulation combined with movement education.

KMI Structual Integration is designed to restore structural balance, ease of movement, and a feeling offitting in your own skin’.


KMI is a synthesis of the fascial work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the movement insights of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the whole-systems geometry of Buckminster Fuller, and many other influences, as developed by Thomas Myers, author of Anatomy Trains, and a 30+ year practitioner of Structural Integration.

Theroy and Practice

KMI certified practitioners employ a wide vocabulary of touch and movement via a thorough understanding of the Anatomy Trains concept, which provides a clarifying map for analyzing whole-body soft-tissue patterns, and guides the application of techniques in treatment for the entire library of KMI manual therapy.


*Sultan, J. 1986, Toward a Structural Logicthe internal-external model Notes on Structural Integration 86:12-18
*Schleip, R., 1992, Talking to Fascia, Changing the Brain, Rolf Institute, Boulder CO
*Schultz L. & Feitis R., 1996, The Endless Web, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley
*Rywerant, Y, 1983, The Feldenkrais Method, Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco
*Pert, C. 1997, Molecules of Emotion, Scribner, New York
*Myers, T. 2008, Anatomy Trains - Myofasical Merdians for manual and movement therapists 2nd, Churchill Livingstone

External Links

* [ Kenisis Myofascial Integration]

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