

Rolfing or Structural Integration is a system of soft tissue manipulation, with the objective of realigning the body structurally and harmonizing its fundamental movement patterns in relation to gravityFact|date=June 2008. The term Rolfing is a registered trademark of the Rolf Institute of Boulder Colorado. The system was founded by Ida Pauline RolfStirling, Isabel. "Zen Pioneer: The Life & Works of Ruth Fuller Sasaki" (2006) Shoemaker & Hoard. ISBN 978-1-59376-110-3 pg. 8] . Practitioners of Rolfing believe it to enhance vitality and well-being, and claim that after sessions, many clients stand up straighter, gain in height, and that soft-tissue bodily asymmetries tend to disappear.POV-statement|date=September 2008Fact|date=May 2008Who|date=May 2008 Rolfing is in some ways similar to deep tissue massage ("see especially Myofascial Release"), however, practitioners claim that Rolfing's attention to the balance of the body in gravity sets the practice apart.POV-statement|date=September 2008Fact|date=May 2008Who|date=May 2008


Rolf developed a method in the early to mid 1950s with the goal of organizing the human structure in relation to gravity. This method was originally called "Postural Release", and later, "Structural Integration of the Human Body". Early consumers of "Structural Integration" coined the term "Rolfing".Fact|date=July 2007

In 1971, Rolf founded The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration.

The Rolf Institute and a number of other schools, including the Guild for Structural Integration, Kinesis Myofascial Integration and Hellerwork Structural Integration, currently teach methods similar to the method presented by Rolf. In addition, many modern modalities of "deep tissue bodywork" can trace their lineage back to Rolfing and the legacy of Ida Rolf's ideas about the fasciaFact|date=July 2007.

Theory and practice

Rolf theorized that 'bound up' fascia (or connective tissue) often restricts opposing muscles from functioning independently from each other, much in the way water, having crystallized, forms hard, unyielding ice. Her practice aimed to separate bound up fascia by deeply separating the fibers manually so as to loosen them up and allow effective movement patterns. Rolf believed that an adequate knowledge of living human anatomy and hands-on training were required in order to safely negotiate the appropriate manipulations and depths necessary to free the bound-up fasciaFact|date=July 2007.

Rolfers oftenFact|date=May 2008 prescribe a sequence of ten sessions to gradually "unlock" the whole body,Fact|date=May 2008POV-statement|date=September 2008 usually beginning with the muscles that regulate and facilitate breathing.Clarifyme|date=September 2008 Fact|date=May 2008 During a Rolfing session, a client generally lies down and is guided through specific movements. During these, the Rolfer manipulates the fascia until they have returned to their 'original length'.Fact|date=May 2008 This takes place over the course of ten 75 to 90 minute sessions, with a specific goal for each session, and an overall goal of cumulative results.Fact|date=May 2008 Some clients find the experience of Rolfing painful, but Rolfing has continued to evolve over the decades into a practice far more gentle than in its early origins.Fact|date=May 2008


Rolfing practitioners have suggested its use for a wide variety of medical conditions. However, there is insufficient data to endorse its effectiveness as a therapy [ Rolfing Structural Integration] September 26, 2005] . Many regard it as no more than a deep massage.

Rolfing is generally regarded as safe. [ Rolfing Structural Integration] August 2008] Because it involves deep tissue manipulation, pregnant women and people with skeletal, vascular, or clot disorders should consult a health care provider before undertaking Rolfing sessions [ Rolfing Structural Integration] September 26, 2005] .

Some within the Rolfing community question the original emphasis placed on fascia by Rolf and now believe that the symptoms they detect and treat may have more to do with abnormally high muscle tonus than actual fascial restrictions. [cite book|last=Schleip|first=Robert|title=Talking to Fascia - Changing the Brain: Explorations of the Neuro-Myofascial Net|publisher=The Rolf Institute|date=1994]


External links

* [ Official homepage of The Rolf Institute]

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