

Armed forces

Military units

* Roman Legion
* The Theban Legion – a Roman Legion whose members, under a long-lasting tradition, were massacred for their Christian belief
* Legion of the United States, an early United States land force
* Hampton's Legion, a combined arms force of the Confederate States Army recruited and led by Wade Hampton III in the American Civil War.
* Foreign legion
* Nauvoo Legion, a militia playing a significant part in early Mormon history
* The Arab Legion ("al-Jaysh al-Arabī") was the regular army of Transjordan, predecessor of the present Jordanian Army.
* Condor Legion, unit of "volunteers" from the German Luftwaffe serving with the Nationalist side during the Spanish Civil War.
* International Legion - founded by Garibaldi
* Mickiewicz's Legion - Polish exiles fighting in 1848 Italy
* SS-Legion - Military units of Waffen-SS.
* Irish Legion - the Irish Legion (French:Legion irlandaise) was originally created for a proposed invasion of Ireland.
* La Legion Noire (The black Legion) in the French Revolutionary Army


* Légion d'honneur (France)
* Philippine Legion of Honor
* Legion of Merit (USA)

Veterans' organizations

* American Legion, an organization of United States veterans
* Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, a post-Civil War fraternity of loyal service members
* American Legion Auxiliary, a woman's service organization affiliated with the American Legion
* The Royal British Legion
* Royal Canadian Legion


* "HMS Legion (1914)", a Royal Navy ship sunk in 1921
* "HMS Legion (G74)", a Royal Navy ship sunk in 1941
* "USS American Legion (AP-35)"


* Battle of the City of Legion

Pop culture


* "Legion Arena", a computer game released in 2005
* "", a Playstation 2 game released in 2002
* Alpha Legion in the fictional universe of "Warhammer 40,000"
* A recurring enemy in the "Castlevania" video game series
* Legion, central villain of the 1999 video game Shadow Man
* LEGION, the Nod AI seen from the player's perspective in
* "Legions of the Damned", demons in ""

Film and television

* Legion the monster, seen in the film "Gamera 2: Attack of Legion"
* Legion of Super Heroes (animated series), inspired by the DC Comics superhero team
* Legion (Red Dwarf episode)

Literature and comic books

* "Legion", a novel by William Peter Blatty
* Legion of Super-Heroes, a DC comics superhero team
* "L.E.G.I.O.N.", a DC Comics title.
* Legion, an antihero in Marvel Comics.
* Legion, a supervillain in DC Comics.
* , a comic book series.
* Legion of Space Series, science fiction series by Jack Williamson.
* The Legion of Space, a novel in the Legion of Space Series by Jack Williamson.
* The Legion of Time, stories by Jack Williamson.
* Legion (Warhammer 40,000), a Horus Heresy novel by Dan Abnett, published by Black Library (Games Workshop).
* Legion a play by Hal Corley.
* Legion, a one-shot horror comic written by Salvador Sanz and published by IDW
* "The Misplaced Legion", "An Emperor for the Legion", "The Legion of Videssos" and "The Swords of the Legion" - a fantasy series by Harry Turtledove known collectively as "The Videssos Cycle".
* The Book of Luke in the New Testament mentions "Legion" as a personification of The Devil (Luke 8:30).


* "Legion", an album by Deicide
* Legion, Swedish vocalist of black metal
* Legion Records
* "Legion" is a song by VNV Nation from the album "Empires".
* "Legion" is a song by Junkie XL from the album Big Sounds of the Drags.
* "Legion", a New Zealand Thrash Metal Band
* Legion, a hardcore rap group out of the Bronx, New York, USA.


* Legion Field, a stadium in Birmingham, Alabama
* Legion Park, a stadium in Great Falls, Montana
* Legion Sports Complex, a complex in Wilmington, North Carolina
* Legion Stadium, the main stadium in the Legion Sports Complex
* Legion State Park
* Colchester Legion Stadium, a stadium in Truro, Nova Scotia


* A number 3,000-6,000
* Legion (biology)
* Legion (demon) (also The Gadarene demon) in the New Testament
* Legion (software), a computer software system
* Legion Interactive, an Australian telecommunications company
* Racine Legion, an American football team
* The Romanian version of a fascist movement, the Iron Guard, was founded as the "Legion of the Archangel Michael"
** Legionary Romania or National Legionary State, terms used sometimes for the period of Romanian history when the above dominated the country's politics
** "Legionnairism", fascist idelogy professed by far-right Romanians claiming heritage of the above (see Noua Dreaptă).
* Legionary ant or Army ant, particularly aggressive types of ant
* Legion of Christ (contemporary religious organization)
* Legion of Mary ( _la. Legio Mariae), an association of Catholic laity
* Legionella
* "Legion" is the alternate name of Anonymous, group participating in various cyber and real-life activities.

ee also

* My name is Legion

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  • légion — [ leʒjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1155; lat. legio, onis 1 ♦ Dans l Antiquité romaine, Corps d armée composé d infanterie et de cavalerie. Les légions romaines et les phalanges grecques. Manipule, centuries, cohortes d une légion. Corps d infanterie, sous… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Legion — (lat. legio) bezeichnet: Römische Legion, eine Heereseinheit in römischer Zeit mit 3.000–6.000 Soldaten Legion (Dämon), dämonische Erscheinung im Neuen Testament Legion (Blatty), einen Roman von William Peter Blatty (1983) Legion (Software), eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Legion 88 — Pays d’origine  France Genre musical Rock anticommuniste Années d activité Depuis 1984 Labels …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Legión — es el nombre que han tomado diferentes cuerpos militares a lo largo de la historia. Legión romana Legión Española Legión extranjera Legión Extranjera Francesa Contenido 1 En literatura 2 En historietas 3 En cine …   Wikipedia Español

  • legion — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. legion Roman legion (3,000 to 6,000 men, under Marius usually with attached cavalry), from L. legionem (nom. legio) body of soldiers, from legere to choose, gather, also to read (see LECTURE (Cf. lecture) (n.)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Legion — Sf (eine römische Heereseinheit) erw. bildg. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. legio ( ōnis), einer Ableitung von l. legere sammeln, aussuchen, wählen (Legende), gemeint ist ein ausgehobenes Heer . Zunächst Bezeichnung der altrömischen… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • legion — LEGION. s. f. Corps de gens de guerre parmi les Romains composé de six mille cent hommes de pied, & de sept cens vingt six chevaux, quoy que dans les commencemens elle ait esté de moindre nombre. La premiere legion. la deuxiesme legion. la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • legión — sustantivo femenino 1. Cuerpo principal del ejército en el antiguo Imperio Romano. 2. Algunas unidades militares compuestas por soldados profesionales: La legión española tiene algunas bases en las islas Canarias. 3. Gran cantidad: una legión de… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • legion — [lē′jən] n. [OFr < L legio < legere, to choose: see LOGIC] 1. Rom. History a military division varying at times from 3,000 to 6,000 foot soldiers, with additional cavalrymen 2. a large group of soldiers; army 3. a large number; multitude [a …   English World dictionary

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