Olga Sacharoff

Olga Sacharoff

Olga Nicolaevna Sacharoff (May 28, 1889, Tbilisi, Georgia-1967 Barcelona) was a Spanish artist of Georgian origin associated with naive art and the Surrealist movement.

Life and work

She was born in Georgia before its annexation by the Soviet Union. Her mother was of Persian origin. After studying at the Tbilisi School of Fine Art, she moved to Munich and came in contact with the German Expressionist movement. There she met her future husband, photographer and painter Otto Lloyd, living well off a remittance from his mother in Switzerland.

Sacharoff moved to Paris in 1911, influenced initially by Paul Cézanne and later by radical, or synthetique cubism She and Lloyd attended the circle headed by Russian emigre Marie Vassilieff.

The outbreak of World War I caused Sacharoff and Lloyd to travel to Spain in 1915. The couple first settled in Mallorca, and in 1916 settled in Barcelona. She collaborated with Francis Picabia on the magazine 391, published in Barcelona and considered a representative of dadaism. Among those appearing in the four issues of the magazine were Guillaume Apollinaire and Marie Laurencin.

Sacharoff exhibited in Salons d'Automne of Paris but lived mainly in Barcelona. She and Lloyd separated in 1929, and in depression, she stopped painting for about five years. She resurfaced in 1934 with an exhibit at Barcelona's Layetanas Gallery.

Sacharoff worked in book illustration, including Colette's House of Claudine and Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Netochka Nezvanova.

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