

[ [http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?entity=software&media=all&submit=seeAllLockups&term=kudit Kudit on Apple's App Store] ] .

Web Apps

In response to a need to provide an easier and more legal solution to accessing applications on an iPhone instead of through jailbreaking, Kudit announced the development of several web apps. In July 2007, Kudit announced their first series of web based Kudits [ [http://www.kudit.com/desktop/news_item.php?id=1 Kudit Press Release June 26, 2007] ] , including BMI Calclator, Words Per Minute [ [http://www.kudit.com/desktop/news_item.php?id=4 Kudit Press Release June 27 2007] ] , Kitchen Convertor [ [http://www.kudit.com/desktop/news_item.php?id=6 Kudit Press Release July 3, 2007] ] and Tips [ [http://www.kudit.com/desktop/news_item.php?id=3 Kudit Press Release June 28, 2007] ] . These web apps are subscription based, allowing a user to pay a small fee to enjoy access to the application at their leisure.

Tips [ [http://cbsnews.com.com/8301-13549_7-9750319-30.html CNET's Reviews of Kudit's Tips] ] and Finger Scan [ [http://www.pocket-lint.co.uk/news/news.phtml/11029/12053/iphone-application-widget-fingerprint-scan.phtml iPhone App of the Day - Finger Scan] ] are two of the most popular Kudits available, earning positive reviews among critics across the internet. Roshambo, another Kudit creation, provides a multiplayer experience among iPhones or online users, before such capability became widely available in native iPhone apps. [ [http://www.powerpage.org/2007/11/kudit_releases_social_network_game_iphone_ipod_touch.html O'Grady's PowerPage] ]

Native Apps

With the launch of the App Store in July 2008, Kudit began a transition to offering native applications for the iPhone and iPod touch. Shout It, Tips, Finger Scan, Mimeo, Versus & Mystic Seer, all original web app Kudits, were announced and shortly available on the App Store as native applications. [ [http://www.kudit.com/desktop/news_item.php?id=21 Kudit Press Release August 6, 2008] ]

Current Executives

*Benjamin Ku, Chief Software Architect
*Chris Hewlett, Senior Vice President, Platform Experience

External links

* [http://www.kudit.com Kudit Official Website]


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