- Beechworth Asylum
Ha-Ha Walls
One of the distinctive features of both
Admission process
People could be admitted to the asylum as a lunatic patient by a number of means
* At the request of a friend, relative or acquaintance, with medical certificates written by two medical practitioners. This method was amended by The Mental Health Act 1959 which stated a person could be admitted upon the recommendation of a medical practitioner who had examined the person. As soon as possible after admission the superintendent of the hospital was required to examine the patient and either approve the recommended admission or discharge the patient.
* Any (lunatic) person found wandering at large or not under proper care and control could be brought before two justices who could order the person's removal to an asylum. The police were usually responsible for bringing the person before the two justices.
* Any prisoner of the Crown thought to be a lunatic could be removed from a gaol to an asylum by order of the Chief Secretary.
* Voluntary Boarders were those who requested that they be admitted for a mutually agreed period of time (from 1915 onwards). [PROV "Series VPRS 7456 " [http://www.access.prov.vic.gov.au/public/component/daPublicBaseContainer?component=daViewSeries&breadcrumbPath=Home/Access%20the%20Collection/Browse%20The%20Collection/Series%20Details&entityId=7456 Admission Warants - Male and Female Patients] Accessed 30/08/2008]
To be admitted, only two signatures were required. To be discharged, eight signatures were required, thus it was a lot harder to get out than to get in.
ee also
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