Physiology of dinosaurs — Note: In this article dinosaur means non avian dinosaur, since most experts regard birds as an advanced group of dinosaurs. The physiology of dinosaurs has historically been a controversial subject, particularly thermoregulation. Recently, many… … Wikipedia
physiology — /fiz ee ol euh jee/, n. 1. the branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical processes. 2. the organic processes or functions in an organism or in any of its… … Universalium
Human skin color — Skin pigmentation redirects here. For animal skin pigmentation, see Biological pigment. Variety of skin colors Human skin color is primarily due to the presence of melanin in the skin. Skin color ranges from almost black to white with a pinkish… … Wikipedia
Skin — For the article about skin in humans, see human skin. For other uses, see Skin (disambiguation). Skin A diagram of human skin … Wikipedia
skin — skinlike, adj. /skin/, n., v., skinned, skinning, adj. n. 1. the external covering or integument of an animal body, esp. when soft and flexible. 2. such an integument stripped from the body of an animal, esp. a small animal; pelt: a beaver skin.… … Universalium
skin doctor — noun a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin • Syn: ↑dermatologist • Derivationally related forms: ↑dermatology (for: ↑dermatologist) • Hypernyms: ↑specialist, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Human skin — Skin epidermis (A), dermis (B), and subcutis (C), showing a hair follicle (1), sweat gland (11) sebaceous gland (7) Latin cutis … Wikipedia
Neural top down control of physiology — concerns the direct regulation by the brain of physiological functions (in addition to smooth muscle and glandular ones). Cellular functions include the immune system’s production of T lymphocytes and antibodies, and nonimmune related homeostatic … Wikipedia
Nobel Prize winners by category (physiology or medicine) — ▪ Table Nobel Prize winners by category (physiology or medicine) year name country* achievement 1901 Behring, Emil von Germany work on serum therapy 1902 Ross, Sir Ronald U.K. discovery of how malaria enters an organism 1903 Finsen, Niels Ryberg… … Universalium
Flushing (physiology) — SignSymptom infobox Name = Flushing ICD10 = ICD10|R|23|2|r|20 ICD9 = ICD9|782.62 For a person to flush is to become markedly red in the face and often other areas of the skin, from various physiological conditions. Flushing is generally… … Wikipedia