Birds of the Indiana Dunes

Birds of the Indiana Dunes

The Indiana Dunes (State Park and National Lakeshore) protect over 15,000 acres of dunes and shoreline. From the barren sand beaches to the inter-dunal ponds and the intervening forest, this area is inhabited by 271 identified species of birds. As a part of the Mississippi Flyways, the varieties can be magnified during migration. [Birds of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, National Park Service; Porter, Indiana; 1997]

Common Birds of Indiana Dunes

This is a listing of the most common birds seen in the Indiana Dunes. [ibid, Birds]

Water Birds

Perching Birds

Where to see birds

Lake and Beaches
There are several points of access to the beaches of Lake Michigan. From east to west, they are: Central Avenue; Lakeview (Beverly Shores); Kemil Road Beach (west end of Beverly Shores); Indiana Dunes State Park (administion fee); Cowles Bog Trail (2 1/2 mile walk with a climb); West Beach (administion fee). [ibid, Birds]

Mt. Baldy (steep climb); Indiana Dunes State Park (administion fee); West Beach (administion fee). ["ibid Birds]

The Calumet Bike Trail traverses the length of the park along the South Shore Tracks, with parking at several points, including the Mineal Springs Road, U.S. 12 in the Pines. The Chellberg Farm off Mineral Springs Road and U.S. 20 has several cultivated fields. ["ibid; Birds]

Indiana Dunes State Park, trails #9 and #10; the Ly-Co-Ki-We horsetrail, U.S. 20; Miller Woods on Lake Street in Gary; and The Bailly/Chellberg trail in Porter ["ibid; Birds]

Long Lake is easy to reach from West Beach, of Lake/Porter County Line Road. Miller Woods is dotted with ponds. ["ibid; Birds]

The Great Marsh stretches from Dune Acres (off Mineral Springs Road, east, to East State Park Road (Kemil Rd). ["ibid; Birds]

The Restoration of the Great Marsh in Beverly Shores along Beverly drive (east and west of Broadway. Trail #2 in the State Park traverses a large area of swamp. ["ibid; Birds]

Conifers, wooded edges
These are most difficult as they are scattered throughout the other habitats and do not dominate any single area.

ee also

*Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
*Indiana Dunes State Park


Recommended Reading

Brock, Kenneth & Helen Dancey; "Birds of the Indiana Dunes";

Tekiela, Stan; "Birds of Indiana, Field Guide"; Adventure Publications; Cambridge, Minnesota; 2000

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