- Punk rock in Spain
Spain , thepunk rock scene emerged in1978 , when the country had just emerged from forty years offascist dictatorship under GeneralFranco , a state that “melded state repression withfundamentalist Catholic moralism ”. Even after Franco died in1975 , the country went through a “volatile political period”, in which the country had to try to relearndemocratic values and install aconstitution . When punk emerged, it “did not appropriatesocialism as its goal”; instead, it embraced “nihilism ”, and focused on keeping the memories of past abuses alive, and accusing all of Spanish society of collaborating with the fascistregime . Drogas, Sexo, Y Un Dictador Muerto: 1978 on Vinyl in Spain. SHIT FI dot. http://www.shit-fi.com/Articles/Spain1978/Spain1978.htmThe early [punk subculture|punk scene included a range of marginalized and outcast people, including workers, unemployed, leftists, anarchists, queens, dykes, poseurs, scroungers, and petty criminals. The scenes varied by city. In
Madrid , which had been the power center of Franco’sFalangist party, the punk scene was like “a release valve” for the formerly repressed youth. InBarcelona , a city which had a particularly “marginalized status under Franco”, because he suppressed the area’s “Catalan language and culture”, the youth felt an “exclusion from mainstream society” that enabled them to come together and form a punksubculture . Drogas, Sexo, Y Un Dictador Muerto: 1978 on Vinyl in Spain. SHIT FI dot. http://www.shit-fi.com/Articles/Spain1978/Spain1978.htmThe first independently-released Spanish punk disc was a 45 RPM record by Almen TNT in
1979 . The song, which sounded like the US bandThe Stooges stated that no one believed in revolution anymore, and it criticized the emerging consumer culture in Spain, as people flocked to the new department stores. The early Spanish punk records, most of which emerged in the explosion of punk in 1978, often reached back to “old-fashioned 50s rock-n-roll to glam to early metal to Detroit’s hardprotopunk ”, creating an aggressive mix of fuzz guitar, jagged sounds, and crude Spanishslang lyrics. Drogas, Sexo, Y Un Dictador Muerto: 1978 on Vinyl in Spain. SHIT FI dot. http://www.shit-fi.com/Articles/Spain1978/Spain1978.htm]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.