

:"This article is about the fantasy book. For information about the fictional character see Antrax (A.I.)"infobox Book |
name = Antrax
title_orig =
translator =

image_caption = Cover art of "Antrax".
author = Terry Brooks
illustrator =
cover_artist =
country = USA
language = English
series = The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara
genre = Fantasy
publisher = Del Rey Books
release_date = 18 September 2001
media_type = Print (Hardcover)
pages = 375
isbn = ISBN 0-345-39766-5
preceded_by = Ilse Witch
followed_by = Morgawr

Antrax is the second book in Terry Brooks' "The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara" fantasy trilogy. It was first published in 2001.


The voyage to find the lost magic takes the companions to the continent of Parkasia. Here, they are split up, and Walker, despite all his plans and his enormous power, finds himself caught and trapped by an unseen force, a supercomputer built by the ancient humans. Antrax was created to store data and information from its time and it is given a duty, an order to protect the information that it holds. However, when the Great War broke out, the last of its creators returned, and gave Antrax its final task: protect the information at all costs, no matter what the price. Antrax then began to build its own arsenal of defence mechanisms: lasers and Creepers.

Above Castledown, the crew of the "Jerle Shannara" find themselves besieged by evil forces, and the Ilse Witch confronts the Druid's protégé, Bek Ohmsford, who claims that she is actually Grianne Ohmsford, and that he is the brother she last saw as an infant - now a young man who carries the Sword of Shannara and wields the magic of the wishsong.

Meanwhile, Walker realises that the 'magic' they have been searching for is actually the science of the Old World, stored on Antrax, which could be used to rebuild society with new technology. But there is no practical way to access this information, so Walker chooses to destroy the power-hungry computer, which is quickly becoming a danger to the whole world. However, he is mortally wounded in the process. He dies soon after.

Main Characters

*Bek Ohmsford
*Grianne Ohmsford(Ilse Witch)
*Quentin Leah
*Walker Boh
*Ahren Elessedil
*Cree Bega
*Ryer Ord Star
*Redden Alt Mer
*Rue Meridian
*Hunter Predd
*Truls Rohk

External links

* [ Del Rey Online | The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara: Antrax by Terry Brooks] - official webpage for mass market paperback edition.

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