Mandume Ya Ndemufayo

Mandume Ya Ndemufayo

Mandume Ya Ndemufayo (1894 - 6 February 1917) was the last king of the Kwanyama, a subset of the Ovambo people of southern Angola and northern Namibia. Ndemufayo took over the Kwanyama kingdom in 1911 and his reign lasted until 1917 when he died of either suicide or machine gun fire while the Kwanyama kingdom was under attack from South African forces.[1]



The Kwanyama kingdom was split by the 1884 Berlin Conference into the areas of Portuguese West Africa and German South West Africa.


Ndemufayo grew up during a time of significant upheaval in the Kwanyama kingdom due to the presence of European merchants and missionaries. Third in line for succession to the Kwanyama throne, the prince lived in fear of assassination from an early age.


Ndemufayo took the throne peacefully by Kwanyama standards and immediately moved the royal residence to Ondjiva (now in Angola). Ndemufayo expelled Portuguese traders from Kwanyama territory to denounce price inflation. Internally, he issued decrees prohibiting the picking of unripened fruit to protect against droughts and the unneeded use of firearms, an important commodity obtained from European traders. Significantly, he also issued harsh penalties for the crime of rape and allowed women to own cattle, which was previously illegal. Overall, King Ndemufayo sought to restore previous Kwanyama wealth and prosperity against a decaying system of local leadership.[1]

Relationship with Christianity

Ndemufayo had a reputation as a persecutor of Christians within the Kwanyama kingdom. Numerous Christian families fled to the Ondonga kingdom of the Ovambos to flee his persecution. Ndemufayo also had problems with Portuguese Roman Catholic missionaries as well as German Rhenish Missionary Society Protestants.[1]

Battle and death

No European colonizer challenged the well-organized and well-armed Ovambo kingdoms until 1915 and the beginning of World War I which coincided with a massive local drought. During the battle of Omongwa, Ndemufayo and the Kwanyama's resisted a Portuguese attack for three days. Simultaneously, the South African forces peacefully conquered the portion of the Kwanyama kingdom formerly located in German South West Africa. Due to heavy losses, Ndemufayo was forced to relocate the Kwanyama capital to the area of South West Africa. In February 1917, after Ndemufayo refused to submit to South African control, he died in battle against the South Africans. The cause of his death is disputed; South African records show his death from machine-gun fire, while oral and popular history described his death as suicide.[1]


Ndemufayo is honoured as a hero in both Angola and Namibia.[2] The Kwanyama kingship was abolished following his death in 1917 until February 1998 when Cornelius Mwetupunga Shelungu was named chief.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d Order out of Chaos: Mandume Ya Ndemufayo and Oral History by Patrica Hayes in the Journal of Southern African Studies, 19.1, March 1993]
  2. ^ Mandume ya Ndemufayo's memorials in Namibia and Angola
  3. ^ Namibia gets first female chief, 11 November 2005

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