Bridget Regan

Bridget Regan

Bridget Regan (b. San Diego County, California, January 3, 1982) is an American actress.


She was born in California and went to University of North Carolina School of the Arts. After she graduated, she moved to New York City to begin her career. [] She began her acting career on Broadway, most recently playing Cecile Leroux in Mark Twain's "Is He Dead?".


Since 2006, she has progressed to several movies and television shows. Her filmography includes "The Wedding Album", "Blinders", "Supreme Courtships", "The Babysitters", and, most recently, the "Sex and the City" movie. She also had roles in the following TV shows: "Love Monkey", "", "American Experience", "Six Degrees", "The Black Donnellys", and "New Amsterdam". []

Bridget Regan is currently filming "Legend of the Seeker", the television show based on Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series. She has one of the leading roles in the story, as Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell.


* "Legend of the Seeker" (22 episodes, 2008) .... Kahlan Amnell (pre-production)
* "Sex and the City" (2008) .... Hostess
* "New Amsterdam" (1 episode, "Keep the Change", 2008) .... Daphne Tucker
* "The Black Donnellys" (4 episodes, "In Each One a Savior", "All of Us Are in the Gutter", "When the Door Opens" and "Wasn't That Enough?", 2007) .... Trish Hughes
* "The Babysitters" (2007) .... Tina Tuchman
* "Six Degrees" (1 episode, "A Simple Twist of Fate", 2007) ....
* "American Experience" (1 episode, "Alexander Hamilton", 2007) .... Angelica Shippen (2007)
* ' (2 episodes, ' and "", 2006-2007) .... Assistant District Attorney Claudia Shankly
* "Supreme Courtships" (2007) (TV) .... Holly
* "Blinders" (2006) .... Vivian
* "Love Monkey" (1 episode, "Pilot", 2006) .... Woman
* "The Wedding Album" (2006) (TV) .... Kate


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