James E. Quibell

James E. Quibell

James Edward Quibell (11 November 1867 - June 5 1935 [Dennis C. Forbes, Quibell at Hierakonpolis, KMT, Fall 1996 p.54] ) was a British Egyptologist, born in Newport, Shropshire.

He was educated at Adams' Grammar School and Christ Church, Oxford. He was fascinated by the antiquities, and offered himself as a pupil to Professor William Matthew Flinders Petrie, with whom he had worked at Coptos in 1893, then at Nagada, Buleas, Thebes, El Kab, and Hierakonpolis in successive years. After six months' study at Berlin University he was appointed to the Catalogue Commission of the Egyptian Museum, and in 1899 as an inspector on the staff of the Antiquities Department, his colleague being Mr. Howard Carter.

He worked at Saqqara, in the Valley of the Kings (where he discovered the tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu in 1905) and at Hierakonpolis (ancient Nekhen), where amongst other discoveries his team found the Narmer Palette in 1898. In 1898 he was made an inspector of the Antiquities Service for the Delta and Middle Egyptian regions. He later served as director of the Egyptian Museum from 1914-1923 and Secretary-General of the Antiquities Service until 1925 when he retired.


Times Obituary reprinted on http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~quibellg/

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