Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge

Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge

The Deutsche Institut für Altersvorsorge GmbH (DIA) is an independent institute to promote the understanding of chances and risks of public retirement plans and encourage private retirement provisions in Germany.

Associates of the institute are the [ Deutsche Bank AG] , the Deutsche Bank Bauspar AG, the DWS Holding & Service GmbH and the Deutscher Herold AG.


So far the DIA has published about 45 papers. Among other things, these papers clearly point out that the German system of public retirement plans funded by social security contributions is facing more and more problems. Reasons for these problems are e.g. the development on the labor market and shifts in the demographic situation in Germany. As a consequence, the DIA emphasizes the necessity of individual retirement arrangements and company pension schemes.


Bernd Katzenstein is the DIAs spokesman and project-coordinator. Managing Director is Werner Janzen. The DIA Research Group is headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Langer (University of Münster).

See also

*DIA Researchgroup

External links

* [ DIA]
* [ DIA Researchgroup]

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