Phönix D.I

Phönix D.I

__NOTOC__ The Phönix D.I was an Austro-Hungarian First World War biplane fighter built by the Phönix Flugzeug-Werke and based on the Hansa-Brandenburg D.I.


The Phönix D.I was the second design developed by the Phönix Flugzeug-Werke based on Hansa-Brandenburg designs which it has produced under licence.Lamberton, 1960. p 22.] The D.I was a single-seat biplane fighter with improvements over the original Hansa-Brandenburg design which included more efficient wings, a more powerful engine and structural improvements. A prototype was first flown in 1917 and proved to be fast but difficult to handle but because of the urgent need for fighters the D.I entered production. To improve the problems a modified variant, the D.II was introduced with balanced elevators and balanced ailerons on the upper wings. A further development was the D.III which had balanced ailerons on both wings and a more powerful 230hp (172kW) Hiero in-line engine. The last of 158 aircraft of all three types was delivered on 4 November 1918.


;D.I:Initial production variant with a 200hp (149kW) Hiero inline engine.;D.II:Improved variant with balanced elevators and balanced ailerons on the upper wings.;D.III:Improved variant with balanced ailerons on both wings and powered by a 230hp (172kW) Hiero in-line engine.


*Austro-Hungarian Navy;Sweden
*Swedish Air Force

pecifications (D.1)

ref=Orbis 1985, page 2700
met or eng?=met

length m=6.65
length ft=21
length in=
span m=9.75
span ft=31
span in=11¾
width m=
width ft=
width in=
height m=2.80
height ft=9
height in=
wing area sqm=
wing area sqft=
empty weight kg=
empty weight lb=
gross weight kg=805
gross weight lb=1775

eng1 number=1
eng1 type=Hiero 6-cylinder inline piston
eng1 kw=149
eng1 hp=200
eng2 number=
eng2 type=
eng2 kw=
eng2 hp=

max speed kmh=180
max speed mph=112
cruise speed kmh=
cruise speed mph=
stall speed kmh=
stall speed mph=
range km=
range miles=
endurance h= 2
endurance min= 0
ceiling m=6000
ceiling ft=19,685
g limits=
roll rate=
climb rate ms=
climb rate ftmin=

armament1=2 x Synchronised fixed forward-firing 8 mm Schwarzlose machine guns
see also=
similar aircraft=



*cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft (Part Work 1982-1985)|year= |publisher= Orbis Publishing|location= |issn=|pages=

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