CD ripper

CD ripper

A CD ripper, CD grabber or CD extractor is a piece of software designed to extract or "rip" raw digital audio (in format commonly called CDDA) from a compact disc to a file or other output.


As an intermediate step, some ripping programs save the extracted audio in a lossless (but possibly compressed format) such as WAV, FLAC, or even raw PCM audio.

The extracted audio can then be encoded with a lossy codec like MP3, Vorbis, WMA or AAC. The encoded files are more compact and are suitable for playback on digital audio players. They may also be played back in a media player program on a computer.

Most ripping programs will assist in tagging the encoded files with metadata. The MP3 file format, for example, allows tags with title, artist, album and track number information. Some will try to identify the disc being ripped by looking up network services like AMG's LASSO, FreeDB, Gracenote's CDDB, GD3 [] or MusicBrainz, or attempt text extraction if CD-Text has been stored.

Some all-in-one ripping programs can simplify the entire process by ripping and burning the audio to disc in one step, possibly re-encoding the audio on-the-fly in the process.

The first CD ripper for Unix systems was cdda2wav, now considered superseded by cdparanoia.

The Jargon File entry for "rip" notes that the term originated in Amiga slang, where it referred to the extraction of multimedia content from program data.

Front-ends (or all-in-one programs)

BSD and Linux

* Asunder
* Brasero
* Grip
* K3B
* Sound Juicer

Mac OS

* iTunes
* Max (ripping software)


* Audiograbber
* Audio Transcoder []
* BonkEnc
* CDex
* dBpoweramp
* Easy CD-DA Extractor
* Exact Audio Copy (EAC)
* foobar2000
* iTunes
* Jack! The Knife
* MediaMonkey
* Musicmatch Jukebox
* Ripstation Micro Freeware []
* Spider Player
* Winamp
* Windows Media Player



* Cdda2wav
* cdparanoia

Software aiming to provide an accurate/secure rip

Some CD ripping software is specifically intended to provide an especially accurate or "secure" rip.

* CDex
* Cdda2wav
* cdparanoia
* dBpoweramp
* foobar2000
* Exact Audio Copy
* Jack! The Knife
* rubyripper []

ee also

* Ripping
* DVD ripper
* Hard disk recorder
* DVD Converter

External links

* [ Jargon File entry for "rip"]

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