The first international Congress «Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture»

The first international Congress «Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture»

The Congress took place from 12 – 14 May 2008 in St Petersburg at the Leningrad State University named after Pushkin. Over one hundred people attended it. They represented ten countries and fourteen Russian towns. They have made a total of ninety-two reports.


Six dedicated divisions worked during the Congress. Those were Pre-Cyrillic Written Language, supervised by V. A. Chudinov; The European Parent Languages, supervised by V. V. Dubichinsky; The Ancient History of Russia, supervised by A. A. Tyunyayev; Pre-Christian Religion, supervised by I. K. Zhuravlyov; Slavic Sanctuaries and Temples, supervised by G. T. Lents; Pre-Christian Art, supervised by N. N. Yerofeyeva; Pre-Christian Philosophy. Also, two round tables were arranged on the subjects of Ancient History and the Current Paradigm, supervised by V. A. Chudinov, and Ancient History and Mass Media, supervised by A. A. Tyunyayev.

The participants of the Congress

The participants of the Congress represented interests of 11 academies (among them, the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, Moscow, Russia; the Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts, Macedonia; the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, and others); 20 universities (among them, the Frantsiska Skorina State University of Gomel, Belarus; Lomonosov State University of Moscow, Russia; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, and others); 9 institutes (among them, the Institute of Ancient Slavic and Ancient Eurasian Civilization, Moscow, Russia; the Institute of Historic and Legal Education, Russia; the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; and others).

The work of the Congress

The work of the Congress was supervised by the Organizing Committee: Chairman – Vyacheslav Skvortsov, rector of the Pushkin University of St Petersburg, doctor of economic sciences, professor (St Petersburg); co-chairman – Valery Chudinov, chairman of the Russian Academy Commission for History of Ancient and Medieval Russia, director of the Institute of Ancient Slavic and Ancient Eurasian Civilization, doctor of philosophy, professor of the State University of Management (Moscow); members of the Organizing Committee – Galina Bogatova, doctor of philology, professor of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language (Moscow); Vladimir Dubichinsky, doctor of philology, professor, Kharkov Lexicographic Society (Kharkov); Andrei Tyunyayev, president of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences (Moscow) and others.

Сompletion of the Congress

Upon completion of the Congress, its participants unanimously adopted three documents: the Resolution, the Appeal to Presidents of the Slavic Countries and the Excerpt from the Congressional Resolution.

The text of the Resolution

The text of the Resolution: «On hearing 92 reports from 10 countries in 7 divisions and at two round tables at the Pushkin University of St Petersburg that continues traditions of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the first International Congress on Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic culture rules::1. To consider as established that the Slavic written language and culture existed several thousand years before the Work of Cyril and Methodius;:2. To organize an international Association of Slavic researchers of various specialities for the study of Slavic history before the new era;:3. To set up an international Slavic journal of this Association;:4. To recommend the Education Ministries of the Slavic countries to develop instructional and methodological materials for inclusion in the academic subject of Ancient History of the Slavs. To deliver the text of the Appeal to presidents of the Slavic countries;:5. To consider the Pushkin University of St Petersburg as the Coordination Center.

The text of the Appeal

The text of the Appeal «We, the participants of the first International Congress on Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture, appeal to the presidents of the Slavic countries requesting them to encourage the study of ancient history of the Slavic peoples (before the new era) in their countries».

The text of the Excerpt from the Congressional Resolution

The text of the Excerpt from the Congressional Resolution reveals an important event in Russian sports, the establishment of a historic date of emergence of martial arts in Russia. Upon hearing the report of V. V. Dyachkov and A. A. Tynyayev, the Congress participants ruled to consider the 22nd of March B.C. to be that date. The full text of the said Excerpt was published in Rukopashniy Boi journal, issue No 2 (11) of 2008, an official publication of the All-Russia Federation of Martial Arts.

On May 24, 2008, in the sports complex of the Academy of the Russian Border Guard of the Federal Security Service, at the opening procedure of the 15th Tournament of Martial Arts in memory of border guards, heroes of Russia, A. A. Tyunyayev, President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, decorated V. I. Kharitonov, President of the All-Russia Federation of Martial Arts, with a diploma of the Academy with the following inscription «The Academy of Fundamental Sciences congratulates the All-Russia Academy of Martial Arts on the establishment, at the first International Congress on Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture, of the historic date of emergence of martial arts in Russia, i.e. 1100 before the new era. It is proposed to declare March 22, a day in the Slavic Pancake week festival, a holiday. Moscow, 2008».

Based on results the Congress

Two Macedonian authors, academician Tome Bosevski and Aristotel Tentov PhD, presented their work at the congress regarding deciphering the text inscribed on the Rosetta Stone, alongside the ancient Egyptian and Greek languages, the so-called Demotic language, which the Macedonian scholars claim is an ancient Macedonian alphabet and most probably pre-Slavic.

Based on results the Congress, its participants were decorated. Diplomas of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences were awarded to the principal organizers of the Congress: S. A. Boitsov, T. V. Maltseva, and V. N. Skvortsov. Ten best reports of foreign and eleven reports of domestic participants were singled out. Diplomas of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences were awarded to the chief organizers of the Congress, V. N. Skvotsov, A. A. Tynyayev, and V. A. Chudinov.

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